Stay Here

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(Damien's POV)

What kind of bastard would have the damned gall to do this to a woman? Whoever it was, they were gonna pay. Anyway, I picked up (y/n) and took her to my room, where she would stay for the remainder of this investigation. I wasn't going to allow her to go through that again. 

"Damien?" she asked, snapping me back to my senses. 
"Yes, love?" 
"Are you going to keep me here?" 
"For your safety, yes." 
"What about you?" 
"They'll be able to find me. The detective and I made everyone put on a tracking device, so we can find each other if something were to happen." 

She just sat there for a minute. I know she didn't want to stay in here, but it was for her safety. I want her as safe as she can be. 

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I know you want to help with the investigation, but I can't have that happen to you again." 
"I understand, Damien. It's just... I want to help find the motherfucker that killed Mark. You know he was my best friend growing up, other than Jack." 
"I know. Mark was mine too. But, for now, you need to stay here. I'll bring any news I figure out, alright?" 

I began to walk out. 

"...Be careful." 

I smiled and kissed her before walking to the door. 

"I will. I promise." 

As I left, I heard a voice call my name. I walked down the corridor, and found the Colonel. 

"Come here, Damien," he began. "I think I have a lead on where... Mark's body may be." 

He showed me a piece of red cloth, which was part of the silk robe Mark had been wearing when... when he died. 

"I found it near where we found (y/n). It was near a door, which had an air current. I'm going to go inspect some more. You see if you can find any more leads." 
"Alright. I will." 

I began inspecting the cellar, where we had found (y/n). I looked closely, then found something. It was tan fabric and looked like... Wait... It was part of the detective's coat! But, the detective hadn't been down here when we found h... Oh. My. God. I raced up the stairs, in search for the Colonel. I wasn't about to let that bastard detective get away. 

"COLONEL," I yelled across the manor. 

Suddenly, he ran out of a room. 

"What is it, Damien," he asked. 

I showed him the fabric piece of the detective's coat. He looked at me. 

"That bloody faker," he growled. 
"Let's find him, before he can hurt her again." 

We began walking, but I heard a floorboard squeak. The Colonel pulled out his gun and I pulled out mine. We neared the source of the sound, until I felt the ground below me shake. It was a trap door!
I jumped, just as the door opened. There was a wooden bar above me, and I clasped onto it. The Colonel jumped at the excitement, but helped me get over the door. 

"That was close," the Colonel sighed. "Bloody hell..."
"Yes," I agreed. 

As we began walking again, I saw the wall beside me open and I was pulled in. 

"DAMIEN!" the Colonel yelled. 

That was the last thing I heard. 

(Your POV)

What the hell?! You just heard the Colonel yelling Damien's name. You and Jack raced downstairs. 

"What's going on," you both demanded. 
"Damien was taken! And... we figured out who took you." 
"Who?!" Jack asked.

He showed you a piece of fabric that was tan. It looked familiar... You couldn't believe it. It was part of the detective's coat. You asked where Damien was pulled in from. The Colonel showed you the wall. You could feel an air current. You kicked in the wall, surprising the Colonel and Jack with your strength. 

"Damn!" Jack grinned.
"Bully!" he chuckled. "You've got some strength to you!" 
"Let's just say, you don't ever want to piss me off," you replied, smiling. "Now, let's find Damien before the Colonel can do anything." 

(Damien's POV)

I woke up, my head pounding. I looked around. It was the same room where we found (y/n). I found myself shirtless and had my hands suspended above me, and the chain connected to the ceiling. 

"Damn you, Abe," I growled. 
"Aw, is that how you treat a friend," he snickered. 
"I will make you pay for what you did to (y/n). You have hurt her beyond fixing." 
"And how do you expect to do anything, Damien?" 

I growled lowly, making him smile. 

"Now, to go find (y/n)..." 

I jumped at him. 

"And what will you do about it," he scoffed. "That's right. You can't do a damn thing." 

He walked away then. I had horrible thoughts going through my mind, scared of what he would do to her. I shook them from my mind and began thinking of a way to get out of these chains... Ah! I could yank them hard enough to make them detach from the ceiling. Okay, acrobatic and gymnastics skills, don't let me down... 

I flipped my legs onto the bar that had separated my hands, then used all my body strength to yank down. It didn't work the first time, but a second time did the trick. I fell straight on my back, though. I got up slowly, chains hanging down from my wrists. I couldn't get them off, so I just left in search for (y/n). 

(Your POV)

You and the Colonel made your way to Damien's location. Suddenly, you saw it moving your way. Did Damien get out of the detective's grasp?! By himself, especially. And for that reason, you stopped. You would wait for him to come to you.
Soon enough, he did. What caught you off guard is that he was shirtless. You couldn't take your eyes off of his chest for a minute. And... chains were hanging from his wrists. 

"I know, I know," he sighed. "This was the detective's doing, not mine. But let's find him. He's searching for you. You'll have to act as bait. He'll get a surprise when he sees me." 

You smiled as you all formulated a plan... 

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