Your Protector

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(Damien's POV)

I kept pacing around my office. I kept thinking. Who could the murderer be? Who could have the gall to murder a childhood friend? That's the question I had no answer to.
I needed to protect (y/n). I don't want her to end up the next victim. I love her too much to lose her. I decided that I would talk to the detective and get her off the investigation.

"Yes, Mr. Mayor?"
"I need to speak with you about (y/n)."
"What about her?"
"I want her off the investigation."
"What?! Why? She's been a tremendous help for it so far!"
"I want her safe, Abe. She's the only female in the manor, and more than likely, the murderer is a man."
"So you're saying you want her off because you're afraid the killer will do something to her?"
"Yes. And she doesn't need that stress right now. We both know that. With Mark being a close friend of us all, it hit her pretty hard."
"Yeah... I guess I shouldn't've made her join me. Too soon..."

And so, I relayed the message. She agreed and laid down with me.

"So, what now, Damien?" She asked.
"I don't know," I sighed. "I haven't been able to think straight for a while. Ever since... You know."
"Understandable. But I'm going to look a little bit, try to see if I can find something."
"I'll accompany you."

And we made our way through the manor.

(Your POV)

You, Jack, and Damien walked throughout the manor, trying to find something. You all decided to split up, only to cover more ground.
Damien made you both carry a tracker so he could find either of you if something happens. Then, you made your way outside. But suddenly, the detective came up to you.

"Hey, (y/n)! Get over here, now! Hurry up!"

You speed walked over to him, wondering what all the commotion was about. He motioned you to follow him. You both made your way back to the door you exited just a minute ago.

"You're not gonna believe this; I can barely believe this! The body: it's gone! It's just fucking disappeared! Look!"

You walked inside to see a tape outline of where the body used to lay. You gasped. Who on Earth would take the body?!

"WHO DID THIS," the detective demanded. "It certainly wasn't me. No, no. Somebody, NOT ME, must've moved it between the time I was the last person with the body in the room and then stepped out for a few minutes to take care of some personal business that you don't need to know about! Could have been anybody... Except me."
"What the hell happened here," the butler exclaimed.
"The body's been moved."
"On its own?"
"No, of course not. Unless it did, in which case we've got way bigger problems than a simple murder."

Lightning struck, on cue as usual. The chef came in and asked the same question.

"The body's moved," the butler replied.
"On its own?!"
"We haven't quite ruled that out just yet, but let's not forget we've got a murderer."

Once again...


The Colonel scared you, making you jump.

"Quite a storm out there, eh, chaps? What are you doing huddled in here in fear?"
"We have a zombie problem," the chef replied.
"Ah. Homo necrosis! The MOST dangerous game. Well, if someone needs to put the old lad down again, I'm well up for the privilege."

Again? What did he mean, again? And privilege? The detective asked those very questions.

"I'm just saying, I've got plenty of... e-experience on the matter," the Colonel replied.
"So do I," the chef agreed.
Yeah," detective began. "That just raises more questions."
"Well," the Colonel sighed. "I'm off to the grounds to see if I can catch a whiff of the old bag of bones, eh?"
"Wait," the butler started. "Weren't you and Mark the same age?"

The Colonel just walked away, laughing manically before coughing. Jack and you just looked at each other in confusion.

"All right," Abe began. "I don't trust him. Then again, I don't trust anyone... Alright. Lock this place down. Secure the front gate. I don't want anyone in or out of this place until we get to the bottom of this."
"Locks won't keep people from getting out, sir," the butler replied.
"Locks won't, but Chef will," the chef retorted, walking off.
"Look," the detective started, talking to the butler. "You're a real smart son of a bitch. Handsome, too. Beautiful, even. But, we don't have time for this. I think we forgot the most important question of all during our arousing game of whodunit. Why?... Why?"

He looked at you.

"Come, walk with me."

Basically, he asked you questions, such as why you were all there, what was the purpose, etcetera. He even explained on what was done to Mark. He was stabbed 37 times, posioned, beaten, strangled, friend, and shot. In that order.
Then, he said you needed to go through Mark's things. You hesitated, but went ahead.

"Take a look around, see if you can find anything, but BE CAREFUL. I've lost three partners due to bedroom booby traps. And make sure you don't tamper with any evidence!"

You looked around closely, then saw the table scattered with photos. There was one of the Colonel, but it was shattered. You held it up to the detective, but put it down and saw the Colonel in front of you. You jumped on surprise.

"You're quite on the case, aren't you, (y/n)? Say, detective? May I borrow your friend here?"
"Yeah, sure," he replied. "Don't worry, (y/n). I'll handle it from here."
"Bully... Take a walk with me. I thought that it was about time that we got to... KNOW each other..."

You were scared. What was the Colonel about to tell you?

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