Bringing Out The Demon (Part 2)

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(Your POV)

You just wanted him to shut up. You couldn't stand him talking about your late parents. Their deaths were the cause of you getting a demon. It was said that the only way to obtain a demon was to have one bad experience in life that changed your life forever. 

"I still remember the shocked look on your face, (y/n)," Wilfred smiled. 
"Shut up," you whispered at first, grabbing your head. 
"And Jack's too." 
"SHUT UP," you finally yelled. 

You had enough of his constant reminders of your late parents. You ran at him, claws extended. He aimed his gun at you, but you were smarter than that. You jumped out of the way of his shots, making him more angry. 

"Oh, why can't you stay still?!" he growled. 

Jack and Damien finally snapped back to their senses and began to help you. You almost forgot that Warfstache also had powers. He suddenly used his powers to form a large grizzly bear.

"ATTACK," Warfstache demanded. 

The bear started advancing towards Damien and Jack. Warfstache was just trying to keep them busy and only fight you. You yelled at Damien and Jack to take care of Warfstache while you took care of the bear. You all switched places quickly, and you began wrestling the bear. 
The bear was pretty strong. Even stronger than you thought. You tried to use your powers to paralyze the bear, but he slammed you to the ground with his paw. After, he pinned you down and tried to wrap his mouth around your neck. You needed help with him, or you could be dead in the next minute. 

You went to call for Jack, until you were caught off guard. The bear wrapped its mouth around your neck and began biting down. You were able to make a distorted scream, which was enough to alert both Damien and Jack. 

(Damien's POV)

I heard a bloodcurdling scream, and I looked back from Warfstache to see the bear biting down on (y/n)'s neck. My eyes widened. 

"JACK," I yelled. "GO HELP HER!!" 

He did as I said. I took on Warfstache by myself. 

"Don't do this, Damien," Warfstache warned. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to!" 
"You shouldn't have done what you did to (y/n)!" I yelled back. "Now, you'll pay!" 

He and I kept going at it for a good five minutes, until I saw the bear defeated. Jack and (y/n) were back at my side, able to help me. Both were pretty scratched up, and (y/n) even had bite marks around her throat. 

"He only bit down so hard before I got to them," Jack explained quickly. 

Warfstache knew he couldn't handle his own against three of us. He used his powers to disappear into the air. 

"DAMMIT!" (y/n) yelled. 

Jack and I returned to our regular selves, but (y/n) didn't. The anger must still be taking over. I put my arms around her. She calmed down and went back to her old self in time. 

"It'll be okay," I started. "We'll find him. I promise you that." 
"I knew he was bad from the start," she sniffled. "But I never thought that he would end up being my parents' killer." 
"Well, we need to leave before anyone gets here. If we're going to go against Warfstache, we'll need our darksi-" 

Just then, the police barged in. They pointed their guns at us, and we froze. That was, until the captain of the force came in. 

"We're here to offer you a deal," he began. 
"What deal?" I asked. 
"You help us to take down or arrest Warfstache, and we won't ever detach your demons from you." 

Jack, (y/n), and I looked at each other. We agreed to the deal, under one circumstance. We would be the only ones to fight him. 

"By all means," the captain agreed. 

Then, we set out for Warfstache... 

(Your POV) 

You were just ready to tear him apart. And you would do anything to kill him. You wanted revenge for your parents. 

As you all got deeper into the woods, you saw Damien looking at you. You had already regained your demon form, and so had they. 


You looked at him. 

"Are you sure you can handle this?" 
"Yeah," you growled back accidentally. "I'll be fine." 

He knew you were lying, but didn't say another word. Soon enough, you reached a clear place in the forest. You saw Warfstache standing there. You watched as he brandished his gun while smiling. 

"Oh," he began to himself. "I can't wait to see the look on her face..." 

You couldn't stand waiting anymore. Damien tried to stop you, but failed. You raced out at him and began fighting. He was caught off guard for a minute, but finally got in the rhythm. Damien and Jack hid in the bushes, trying to make a plan. 
However, you kept fighting. But, while you were caught off guard, he grabbed your arm and pinned it behind you. You struggled to get it out of his grasp, but he just raised it and snapped it across his leg. You screamed, but then... he shot you. 

(Damien's POV) 

Jack and I were formulating a plan when we heard a blood-chilling scream, along with a SNAP!  and a gunshot. We looked out of the bushes to see that Warfstache had SNAPPED (y/n)'s arm and shot her!! 


Jack and I raced from our spots and fought as hard as we could. After about ten minutes, we had worn out Warfstache. Now was the time to strike. Jack form an aura ball and shot it at him. It knocked him out cold. 
I ran to (y/n) to see if she was at least still breathing. Unfortunately, she was having labored breathing. I immediately called for an ambulance as Jack and I turned to our human selves.
It arrived within two minutes. But by then, she had lost so much more blood. They said that only one of us would be able to come with her. Jack told me to get on, that he'd find a way there. I was just hoping that she'd make it. 

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