An Accomplice?

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(Your POV) 

You all decided on a plan:  You would act as if you were walking around the manor, and both the Colonel, Jack, and Damien would be close.
Once the detective attacked, there would be a mechanism on your dress that will shock him with 30 volts of electricity. It wouldn't hurt you, fortunately. All you had to do is put the plan in action. And hopefully, the mechanism didn't malfunction. 

You walked down the hall and into the living room, where the Colonel was hiding. Jack was upstairs. Damien was in the hall closet. You heard quiet footsteps coming your way.
Suddenly, you felt a hand go over your mouth and an the other over your chest. The Colonel raced from his hiding spot and aimed his gun at the detective. Unfortunately, the mechanism on your dress had malfunctioned and didn't work. 

"Let go of her, detective," he demanded. 

All he did was pull out his own gun. Instead of aiming it at the detective, he pressed the barrel to your head. 

"Take one step further, and her blood will be spilt," the detective warned. 

The Colonel put down his gun. You sensed that Damien and Jack were close. You saw Damien's shadow in the hallway. In only 5 seconds, he was behind the detective, ready to attack. He pounced, pulling the detective's arms off of you. You ran over to the Colonel, and he pushed you behind him.
In Damien's defense, the Colonel pulled out his gun and shot the detective in the leg. He shouted in pain and fell.

"It's over," Damien growled. 
"Oh, far from it, Mr. Mayor..." Abe replied creepily.
"Save it, you disgusting psychopath." 

Soon enough, police arrived to take the detective to jail. But what did he mean, "far from it"? Did he possibly have an accomplice? 

"Damien?" you began.
"Yes, my dear?" 
"Do you think what he meant by that was that he had an accomplice?" 
"Hmm... Could be. But, we'll find out in due time." 

However, you couldn't get it off of your mind. It could be anyone. You just prayed it wasn't Damien... 

(Damien's POV) 

(Y/n)'s prediction gnawed away at my mind. What if she was right? If so, we could have another murderer on our hands. I might just need to inform the Colonel of this... 

"Yes, Damien?" 
"Do you think (y/n)'s prediction could be right?" 
"To be honest with you, I do. There is in no way that only one person could perform all of that to kill Mark." 
"I agree as well. And I can't stop thinking about it. I don't need a staff member or anyone else hurt or dead." 
"I get it. I'll get to the bottom of it, if there is an accomplice. Don't you worry." 

But even his assurance didn't calm my nerves... In fact, it made me tense up about the matter more. Just how was he staying so calm?

(Your POV) 

You still didn't feel like the case was at rest. So, you and Jack began searching for more clues. That's when you finally reached a hidden office, one that you might have overlooked. You walked inside, to see cork boards aligned with photos and newspaper clippings.
There were photos of the detective, the butler, the chef, Jack, even you and Damien. You looked closer...
There was a specific cork board that had Damien's name in the center and several clues around it. They weren't even connected to Damien! The Colonel had been trying to set Damien up! HE was the accomplice!!
Just as you were both about to run and tell Damien, a gun was pressed to the back of your head. 

"Either if you move, and I won't hesitate to kill you," you heard the Colonel say.

You gulped. You couldn't believe that a childhood friend of yours wouldn't hesitate. You both turned around slowly and saw him still holding up his gun. He suddenly knocked Jack out with the butt of his gun.

"Why, Colonel," you asked. "Why are you doing this?"
"Come with me, and you won't get hurt," he replied, ignoring your questions. 

He kept gunpoint on you as he lead you out of the house and to a car. You did remember that the tracker was still on you.
Damien had planted another one in your earrings, and he was the only one to know about it. So even if the Colonel got rid of the one on you, he wouldn't know about the earring. 

Once inside his car, he ziptied your wrists and demanded you to face forward and stay quiet. He left the gate, and just told Damien that he was going back to his office. This was your only chance. 

"DAMIEN! HELP!!" you yelled. 

The Colonel stared at you and slapped you. You could hear Damien from the manor, yelling for someone to shut the gates. The Colonel got through just as they shut. 

"You just messed up big time," he growled. 

(Damien's POV)

Dammit, I should've known! No wonder the Colonel was acting so calm! He was helping the detective with all of this! And now, he had my dear (y/n) at his disposal. I had to get her back ASAP. I told my butler and chef to stay there while I called up an old friend, one that I knew that would never betray me... Officer Nestor. He helped me with whatever I needed. I would also have Sean to help me, as soon as he woke up.

"Damien, it's been a while! What's up, man?" 
"Look, I need your help." 
"What's wrong?" 
"You remember the Colonel, William?" 
"Yeah. What about him?" 
"He was an accomplice in the murder of Mark. And now he has (y/n) held hostage. You remember me telling you about her, right?" 
"Yeah. I'm on the case." 
"There's a tracker in her earring, only a tracker I know about. I'm about to give you the numbers to track it. Ready?" 
"Go ahead." 
"Got it. I'm on the way now. The location is 7th and Grand." 
"Thanks, Ethan."
"No problem, Damien." 

We began heading to that location... 

(Your POV) 

You were now in a large, where you guessed the Colonel lived. Since you'd pissed him off, he gagged you, making it impossible for you to alert anyone. 

"You made a mistake when you got Damien involved," he started. "And had you and that damned Irish detective not been snooping around, you wouldn't be here right now." 

You just ignored him. Your real concern was how were you going to get back to Damien? 

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