Fifty Shades of Crazy

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(Your POV)

You were scared about what the Colonel was gonna do to you. But, even worse, how long would it be before Damien got to you. Right now, you were just trying to get out of the room that the Colonel had locked you in. You banged on the door, hoping that you could push past him if he were to open the door.
He did come to the door, but he was too strong for you. He shoved you inside, and locked the door behind him. He had a devious smile on his face right now...
Your heart raced. What was he about to do? He began to advance toward you.

"William, get away from me," you warned.
"Or what, (y/n)," he chuckled creepily. "You know, I've been wanting you for myself for a long time... Now that I have you... Heh, well, I can do with you whatever I want..."

You backed away from him, but he still advanced towards you. You looked for something to use to defend yourself and found a metal bar. You grabbed it quickly and swung at him.
Surprisingly and unfortunately, he grabbed your wrist and wrestled the bar from your hand. After throwing it aside, he grabbed your wrists and forced you on the bed.

"L-Let go!!" You gasped.
"Hush," he demanded. "And let me ravish you, dear..."

You gasped as he ran his hand up your thigh. You did everything to hold back a moan.

"W-William, d-don't do this!"
"Too late..."

It got worse. Next, he was above you and running both hands along your sides. Soon enough, he went to unzip your dress. You tried to stop him, but it was useless. He did so and slipped the dress off of your body. You shivered from the coldness of the house.

"Oh my, (y/n)," the Colonel smiled, his eyes traveling down your body. "I didn't know you had such a sexy body. Hmm..."

It began to go downhill with what he was doing to you. First, the dress. Now, he had tied your arms behind your back, making it impossible to stop him from doing anything. Now, you were helpless. The Colonel then leaned close to your ear.

"Are you ready, my dear (y/n)?"

(Damien's POV)

Ethan, Sean, and I raced towards (y/n)'s location. But I felt that when I arrived there, that I would see something I could never unsee. But I swear, if William hurt her, I won't hesitate to fight him.

"Are you nervous about what we might see?"
"Yeah, to be honest. After hearing about the sexual exploits he had with Mark's wife... I'm kinda scared for (y/n)."

Sean agreed. Great... That makes me feel even more unnerved. As we neared William's house, I began to have chills. This only happened when it was FOR SURE that I was going to see something I couldn't unsee.

Ethan, Sean, and I both quietly exited the car, both pulling out our guns. As we entered the house, we heard a specific noise... They were moans. And it was coming from the master bedroom... Oh dear God, what the hell are we about to see?

Ethan quietly opened the door and I couldn't believe what I saw... William was... I couldn't even think about it. I was just absolutely livid about what he was doing to her. I wanted to snap his neck...
I then saw Sean jump at him, getting him off of (y/n). I ran to her and got her untied as quickly as I could. She clung to me and wouldn't let go, which was very understandable.
Ethan and Sean were finally able to handcuff William. Now (y/n) could finally be safe with me...

Back at the manor...

I took (y/n) back to the manor so it would just be me and her. She could finally be safe with me. We both decided that she would move in to the manor with me. And I hated to do it, but I had someone come and clear the house of Mark's spirit. I don't want ghosts to be around. But, at least he wouldn't be a lost soul now. Mark could finally rest in peace.
I had the radio going, which was playing classical waltz, when I heard a sweet, soft voice.


I turned around, looking at (y/n). She was wearing a silk nightgown and was barefoot. I walked up to her, smiling.

"Yes, my love?"
"Are we finally going to be okay?"
"Hopefully so. But if something does happen, I promise I'll protect you."

She smiled at me and hugged onto me. We began slow dancing on the patio to the music. Soon, we began waltzing. I caught a glance of the chef and butler at the patio door, watching us. They were smiling. After we stopped, we stepped inside and talked a little.

"You do know that we have court in the next few days, correct," I asked.
"Yes," she sighed. "I know."
"I know you're nervous, but at least this matter will finally be resolved."
"What's the matter?"
"I'm just scared that either will get out on bail."
"I won't allow it. And if that does happen, I'll get restraining orders on them for the both of us. As well as the chef and butler."
"I hope it works."
"As do I."

And I hoped that neither of them really did get out on bail...

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