The Investigation

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(Your POV)

After the detective told you about his past partners, he invited you to be his new partner. You tried to decline. 

"That's what all my old partners used to say," he laughed. "Right before they died... Alright. Hand me that fingerprinting kit behind you there, partner." 

You found it on the couch and tossed it to him. 

"Thanks, partner." 

Then, as the four men in front of you inspected the body, Damien walked in. 

"What the hell happened here?" he asked. 
"Oh! Mr. Mayor. I'm so sorry. There's been a murder," the butler replied. 

Lightning struck again. 

"A murder?" 

It struck a second time. 

"Who," the mayor asked. 
"It's Mark," the chef replied. 
"I'm afraid he's telling the truth," the detective began. "Mark's been... killed."
"Why? Who would do this?" 
"That's exactly what me and my new partner here are here to find out." 
"Um," the butler began. "Excuse me, but I think we should call the authorities for them to handle this matter." 
"Look, buddy, as far as you're concerned, I AM the authorities. The fact of the matter is, I believe the killer is right here amongst us in this very house. With that freaky lightning storm outside, none of us would get very far, anyway. So, in the meantime, we're stuck here. But I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. The rest of you, get back to your rooms, hunker down, and pray to God that you're not the next to be murdered." 

The lightning came again, on cue of the word. 

"I'll... I'll go to check on our other guests," the butler sighed, leaving the room. 
"I'll get back to cooking," the chef began. "All this death made me hungry." 
"And I'll go an' search fer clues around tha' manor..." Jack sighed.

Damien looked at them, then at you. He looked worried. 

"I... I-I need to talk to the colonel about this..." 

Then, he walked off. You wanted to follow him and comfort him, knowing that Mark was one of his childhood friends. He must be so devastated... 

"Alright, partner. It's time to get to work. Judging by the temperature of the body that I measured rectally, which is obviously the most accurate way to get the inner body temperature of a corpse. That's a fact, totally procedure. Don't tell anyone I did it. I am sure Mark was killed around 1:30 a.m. last night... So what were YOU doing at 1:30 a.m. last night?" 

You explained that you had went to bed, eyes open. He looked at you weirdly. 

"I'm gonna ignore the strange fact that you sleep with your eyes open. But it checks out. So, we need to figure out where everyone was and what they were doing around that time last night or, at the very least, who saw Mark last... You need to get out there. See if you can piece together the story of what happened last night. I'll stick around with the body and run more... tests." 

Then, you left. Then, you heard the Colonel and Damien arguing. 

"How can you be so flippant?" 
"Flippant?! I'm taking this matter very seriously." 
"Oh, don't give me that horseshit! I know you hated him, but... goddammit, he reached out to you!" 
"Oh, what do you want from me?" 
"Wh- I want you to care!" 
"Just because I'm not weeping like a child doesn't mean I don't care." 
"I can't believe you... You come and find me when you pull your head out of your ass!" 

He then walked towards the door as you stood back to let him leave. He just looked at you, with a stressed look on his face. 

"Excuse me, (y/n)..." 

You decided that you really needed to comfort Damien. He needed it more now than ever. You followed him to his office and knocked on the door. 

"What?!" he shouted, making you jump a little. 
"Damien?" you asked softly. 

You heard him get up and open the door. 

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I thought you were the Colonel," he sighed. 
"It's fine." 
"But it's not. I don't want to lash out at the entire group as I just did you. It's not right..." 
"Damien, you're mourning. Lashing out is part of it." 
"Still... Out of all of you, you're the one I don't want to hurt." 
"Yes... (y/n), I've been in love with you ever since we met all those years ago. I can't deny those feelings whatsoever." 
"Damien, I... I feel the same for you too..." 

He smiled at you. 

"I'm glad. But, we'll talk later. You need to go and help the detective."

Before leaving, Damien kissed you on the forehead. You smiled as you left. Now to talk to the Colonel... As you walked into the room, you saw the Colonel holding his head in his hands. 

"Damien, I don't- Oh! Ah, (y/n)! Good to see you again. You were quite the rapscallion at last night's festivities. But you're probably here to help the detective with his 'investigation of the murder'." 

Lightning struck again... 

"Anyway, I'll help you. I'll tell you what happened to our dear friend Mark." 

As he explained to you what happened, it was kinda believable. Kind of... 

"And that's what happened," he finished. "Probably, anyway. So, if you need to corroborate this story with anybody else, just be on your way and investigate the entire house. Go now, I'll be here when you're done." 

Then, you left. As you began walking to find the butler, he found you. 

"Come with me," he began. "I need to show you something... Now, if you're looking for answers, there's really no mystery at all. There's not a single detail of this house that I'm not privy to, and not a single guest that I have not personally vetted. Now, I warn you: what you are about to see is not for the faint of heart. A domain of evil this is. But in we must go... You first." 

You both began to descend down the long staircase into a wine cellar. As you inspected closer, you finally noticed a broken wine bottle. 

"AVERT YOUR EYES," the butler cried. "I'm so sorry you had to see this! Master would be so displeased! If only he were still alive!" 

You began going upstairs, the butler's sobs fading. You met back up with Jack and searched the house some more, going to the kitchen first. You wanted to confirm some things with the chef before anyone else.
You were met with the chef, who told you that his 'little buddy' had kept watch the entire night. It was a security monitor. You looked in, bracing yourself for what you might see... 

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