Daily Danger

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"Well," Sophie looked at the clock on the microwave, "I better go soon, I have school."

"School?!?" Mason exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm in college." Sophie informed him.

"Hey! Me... too..." Mason sighed, "well, at least I was..."

"Aww... I'm sorry, do you wanna stay up here on the counter or do you want me to set you on the floor?" Sophie asked.

"I'll stay up here..." mason said unsure of what he should do.

"Alright then! I'll be off now! Bye!" Sophie said as she left and shut the door.

Mason looked around. What should he do while she was gone..? He decide to walk around, he saw the stove on one side, then the sink to his other side.

He looked over the edge of the counter, he would definitely die if he jumped... or slipped.

He remembered the box of sugar he had fallen into earlier, it was behind him. He walked over to it and the other boxed spices and goods.

He tried to push them, what was probably only a pound or two felt like 20 tons. He wondered how much he weighed.

That gave him an idea, he would tell Sophie about it later.

He saw a basket of fruit to his left, near the sink. He walked over to it. He learned that he could climb up it and other furniture probably, by putting his hands between the weaving of the basket. This made it very easy to climb.

Once he got up it he saw the fruit, he had no clue how long he had spent climbing, but he wasn't done yet! He climbed up the apples and oranges that were in the basket.

He made it to the top, he stood on top. He could see the entire kitchen, he saw the clock on the microwave. 12:00. He climbed for a long time and was now he was hungry, so he took a bite of the apple he was standing on.

He continued to eat the apple for some time, until Sophie came home.

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