Keith pulled up to the first house which belonged to the girl who wanted to jump in the first place. Kennedy was finishing her bun and putting Vaseline on her face. She had on sweatpants and a t-shirt with sneakers, you can say baby girl was ready! You were home with the little ones while Keith, Tyrell, and Makayla was with Kennedy and they promised to film it. Makayla looked at Kennedy, "You ready?" Keith stopped the car and Kennedy ran out without an answer and Makayla looked back. "I guess she is."Kennedy banged on the door with her fist balled up waiting to see the hoe on sight. The door opened and a lightskin girl stood in the doorway. When she seen Kennedy her eyes widened, "K-Kennedy! Heeey gir- OH MY GOD!" Kennedy didn't let the girl finish before her fist collided with the girl's nose and dragged her outside while still throwing blows. She was giving her one of the worst ass whoopings a person could get; she was talking with every hit.
"Bitch. You. Wanna. Jump. Me?" Keith was in the car smiling his ass off while Tyrell was cackling and Makayla stood outside watching to make sure nobody ran up. Boy or girl, she didn't care. Her hands were bisexual. A boy rushed out the house, "Aye aye, what you doing?!" He ran to the girls who were wrestling on the ground and Makayla ran up until Tyrell grabbed her arm through the window. "Uh uh I got it." He handed the phone to Keith and stepped out to run up on the dude. "Nigga step up to my sister like that again!" Tyrell rolled up his sleeves and the dude backed up. "Tell me why the fuck my sister is..." he peaked over Tyrell's shoulder and seen Kennedy under the girl but was still getting in licks. The boy eyes widened "Getting her ass beat?!" He tried to slide past Tyrell but Tyrell pushed him to the ground and towerd over him, "Touch her if you want to, I'll knock the bitch out yo ass!" Keith poked his head out the window "Aight, that's enough!" Kennedy kicked the girl off of her and straightened up her bun. The girl spat out some blood "Wait until tomorrow!" Kennedy wiped some blood off of her hand and shrugged.
"I'll be waiting hoe."
~~~~~The next girl wasn't even at her house, she was at the park that was across the street from her house. Kennedy easily ran across the street and jumped on her. Everybody 'ooohed' and filmed it while the girl was kicking her legs and screaming, she gripped onto Kennedy's shirt but was scratched by Kennedy's acrylics and then flipped onto her stomach so Kennedy can sit on her back. "Let go of my shirt!" The girl was whimpering and slowly let her arm down then Kennedy got off and kicked her in her thigh. "You got the right one!" She walked back to the car and people clapped while some was just confused.
~~~~The last girl was pretty easy since her mom helped.
It looked like a rough neighborhood so Keith walked her to the door and knocked. A tall and built lady answered and Keith was taken aback, "Who you?" Her voice was stern which made Keith clear his throat "You don't seem like the type to be around here. What you need?" "Umm I'm Keith Powers and this is my daughter-" "Kennedy." She answered and Keith squinted "How do you know her name?" The mom held up a finger to tell him to wait "PEACHES!" a mixed girl came downstairs on her phone and rolled her eyes "What?" She looked up and the color drained from her face. "Is this the girl you was boasting about jumping?" She nodded and looked down. "Don't be sad now, didn't I tell your ass she was gonna get you one way or another?" "But mam-" "Then what I said?" "I-" "Peaches I will slap the fuck out of you!" Peaches looked at her 'mom' and sighed.
"That you was gonna let her get me back and I better not do nothing." Peaches mom looked at Keith "You okay with it?" He shrugged and looked at Kennedy "You wanna do it?" Kennedy looked at Peaches and felt bad. She didn't even do the jumping she just watched since she was trying to buy friends. Peaches is new and started hanging around the wrong crowd even though Kennedy tried yo befriend her. "No she's good, I got the one's I wanted." And walked back into the car. Tyrell looked at her "What was that?!" Makayla punched him "Shut up, you just wanted to see someone get their ass beat!"
Back at home while y/n was watching the fights, Kennedy was explaining why she didn't fight Peaches. "I felt bad and it looked like she was going through enough things at home. Her mom was just gonna let her get beat up with no remorse!" Y/N nodded "You did right. I'm just glad those two girls got it. And Tyrell running up like he was gonna do something!" Everybody laughed, "It looked like he was gonna do something!" Tyrell shook his head and Keith squinted "What you mean?""When I pushed him down, I swear to god, he winked at me!"
Didn't proof read
It got stupid at the end, I just didn't know what to do with Peaches part. I was thinking about turning this into a request book too.

The Powers Family Imagines (COMPLETED)
FanfictionYou and Keith Powers' large family!