Okay I'm foreal on this one.
______________________________________Y/n decided to take Skylar up on her offer to visit Keith. She didn't tell anybody where she was going because she wanted to work this out peacefully and knew if Tyrell tagged alone it would be messy. Pulling up to Skylar's apartment y/n remembered her number and knocked on the door. Sleeping Keith jumped at the random knock and groaned wiping dried Cheetos on his wife beater and tripped over his sneakers to get the door. Y/N was on the other side of the door ready to knock again until Keith revealed himself and boy was he off guard. The first time he seen his wife in weeks and there she was all beautified while he looked (and smelled) like a hobo who's living on his little sisters couch.
"Y-y/n..." y/n was shocked at his appearance. She was used to to his baby face with his usual gold or diamond slugs and very nice fit. Instead his face was scruffed and tired. "Hey Keith." They stood in silence while Keith stared at her and she avoided his gaze. If she had the guts to look him in his eyes she would still see the love and admiration he had for her. "Can I come in or..." Keith snapped out of his trance and quickly nodded "Yeah, yeah you can!" He practically pulled her in and regretted it when he forgot that the place was a mess, "Shit, Skylar told me to clean up." He mumbled thinking y/n wouldn't hear it but she did and giggled to let him know.
Keith heart stopped at the music that came from her mouth that he haven't heard in while. "I can help." Was all she said before picking up a sweaty sock with her pointer finger and thumb "Wow Keith!" He gave small smile and muttered "Yeah about that."
Half an hour later they finished the small apartment in silence which didn't bother them since they had to think of what was going to happen next. Keith left to straighten himself up leaving y/n to play with her fingers nervously. Might sound weird but she rather have Keith stay with her so she can distract herself from the thoughts that were going through her head instead of him leaving her with them alone. They tell her to choke the hell out of him and make it seem like an accident, but when he came back she immediately thought of how much she actually love him.
"I had to go and take a quick shower." Y/n nodded "You told me that before you left to do it." Keith sat there dumbfounded "You right." He stood behind the couch watching y/n tap her leg, a sign that she was getting irritated. Keith counted down the seconds until she snaps, "5...4...3...2-" "I still need answers Keith!" He sighed and looked down "I know you do." He moved around to sit down next to her, "You want to know why I did it?" Y/n rolled her eyes "Duh, why you think I'm here? I want to work this out Keith, honestly I do." "It was the lack of." Y/N looked at him and told him to go on, "Lack of...?"
"Sex, attention, you name it." "Keith you're not Shirley Caesar. You're sitting up here, telling me you cheated because I wasn't giving you enough sex?" Keith got up to walk around, "We stopped having sex when we found out about the triplets, then I had to wait months, you can't have sex for another 6 weeks. I was sex deprived y/n! What did you want me to do?" "Your fucking hand Keith! You stepped out on me because lack of pussy? You know how many times I could've went out and got dick throughout the years I've been with you? A fucking lot! But I chose to be faithful housewife who takes care a dozen fucking people!" "I'm a man, it's not that easy!" Y/n got up to try to prevent tears from coming down.
"You know what is easy?" Keith leaned back on the wall waiting for what she was about to say. He wasn't ready for it.
"A divorce."
He pushed himself off the wall to get close to her "Y/n-" "Just that quick I can leave you and everything we have. Our kids will have to see their parents go through hell splitting them up and don't get me started on child support! You see you don't have to worry about Tyrell, and Kennedy is almost 18, but the other seven? Wooow that's a lot of pay!" Keith hands started shaking as he was also trying to not to cry. He didn't think about how his choices would affect his kids now and in the future. Plus the money coming out of his pockets. Y/N sensed he was nervous and sighed while looking down. "But I'm not like that."
"Yes, it was one mistake and a stupid ass reason and yes, I think about if I take you back, would it happen again? But I also remember that we made it too far and have too many kids to break it off like this." Keith almost jumped out of his skin when he heard that his relationship with her wasn't ending. "If I could forgive you for the past, I can forgive you for now. Just don't let it happen again." Y/n was instantly grabbed into his arms and lost her breath from his lip pushing onto hers. Who was complaining though? This was the first intimate moment the couple had in weeks. They tried not to take each other on Skylar's couch but a cough interrupted them, "I'm glad you guys are made up and allat. But this is still my place and Keith you got to go!"
Back at the house, the kids was wondering where was their mother, "She just going to leave all these kids with us? Like the triplets is a handful, I'm never having kids!" Kennedy frowned when she seen Makayla smile, "I don't know I like having all these kids around. It's a challenge." Tyrell glared at her. "Don't get any ideas." He still didn't tell the others about what happened with their parents. He was the only one who could keep the happiness in the family for right now, even though deep down he was fuming and had a small hatered for his father. He don't ever see himself putting Makayla and their daughter through that.
Keys jiggled signifying that y/n was back and Kennedy was the first to welcome her, "Mama! Before you decide to leave us with these rascals can you- dad?" Kendrick heard from the kitchen and yelled "AYE DAD'S BACK!" multiple feet welcomed Keith back by jumping on him while Tyrell just scoffed and left. Kennedy kind of got over the name calling for her mom's sake and hugged him. She and the others still thought he was gone from the last time. "Aye my two boys got big!" Keith picked up KJ and Timothy who were starting to look less like him, "Daddy are you staying now?" Taylor tapped his arm, she was always y/n twin. "Yeah, Tay I'm staying. Mommy and I worked it out." They cheered and Keith left to check on the triplets who he barely seen grow up.
After spending the night like Keith never left, the family parted ways for the rest of the night. Since the kids were off for Thanksgiving break they could stay up longer. Keith just got out of a long relaxing shower and threw on his pajama pants while shirtless, "Y/n. Can you come here for a sec?" Keith called her in bed while she was wrapping her hair. "Yes?" Keith patted his lap causing her to smirk and twist her hips to him. "What you need?" Keith wrapped his long arms around her and nuzzled his face in her neck taking in her scent, "Some you." Y/n smirked and rubbed her hands down his back, "Awww baby. You didn't think it'll be that easy did you?" Keith raised an eyebrow "Huh?" Y/N got up and nodded "Yeah. Not after you fucked another bitch, forgive not forget remember? Now take your ass on the couch until I feel like you deserve to even be in the same room as me."
Keith groaned and got up, "I have a lot to do huh?" Y/n got in the California king sized bed, "Yes you do Mr.Powers, starting with cooking breakfast tomorrow morning." Keith fetched an extra sheet and pillow from their closet and looked at her. "At least our couch is a pull out, love you Mrs.Powers."
"Something you don't do."
Keith its not that easy ya know. Well I had fun writing this mini series, hope you guys enjoyed it and the comments be hella funny😭🤣

The Powers Family Imagines (COMPLETED)
FanfictionYou and Keith Powers' large family!