The Argument 2

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This white boi had the nerve to call black kids boring. Saying we don't smoke and party like he does and everyone said, "Duh cause we black! It's our fucking parents!" Then he said "Y'all still be boring have fun a little!" Then I said "Either we 'be boring' or be dead." Like tf?!

Four days later

Keith haven't came back since y/n  sent him out days ago. The whole house was just depressing, the little ones sensed the change of mood in the house and seen Keith haven't been around so they were sad also. Kendrick walked around like its not affecting him but it is and Kennedy's view on Keith changed.

Y/n is worse though. She haven't left the room and practically starved herself thinking it was going to bring him back but it was just worrying everyone. "Mommy?" A tiny knock was on the door then KJ's little head popped in, "Mama you okay?" His tiny feet patted on the carpet and he struggled to get on the bed but when he did he flopped on the side next to his mother. Which is Keith's side. Y/N head was under the cover so he couldn't see her cry but he crawled under it and poked her.

"Mommy where is daddy?" Y/N sighed wiping away some tears and sat up, "I don't know, baby." She played with his curls "When he coming back?" Y/n bit her lip when she seen him pout "I don't know bud." His lip quivered and he put his face in Keith's pillow as he started crying. She pulled his little body into hers, "I miss him." Y/n sniffled and nodded "I do too." The front door ringed and KJ got down running to see who it was. Y/n sighed and covered her face again while Taylor got the door.

"DADDY!" Taylor screamed. Y/n heart dropped when she heard KJ and then a light laugh "Taylor! JR! Why you've been crying? You missed me or sumthin?" Taylor giggled and KJ clapped "Yes! Mommy do too!"  Y/n heard them getting closer and tried to hide in the bathroom but once she got up it was too late. Keith opened the door and seen y/n in her worst state; her skin didn't have that glow like it usually did and her eyes were red and puffy. She had her hair in a bun and baggy clothes on.

"Mommy you're finally up!" Taylor ran to y/n and hugged her. Keith looked at her then looked away, "Taylor take your brother out so I can talk to your mother." Taylor nodded and took KJ hand to leave, Keith closed the door behind them and turned to his wife. It was awkward until Keith walked to the closet, y/n watched from the bed then looked down. "Where did you go?" Keith grabbed a bag and put some clothes in it "I was at my brother's." "Where are you going now?" Keith didn't say anything while still packing. Y/n got up and took some clothes out making Keith roll his eyes.

"I'm just going away to clear my head. Give me my shit back." "Why can't you just talk to me? You get attitudes for no reason then walk out then come back to leave again, are you forgetting we have children? This is new to them, Keith." Y/n was really trying to make this work, out of no where her marriage just went south and she didn't like it. "Just give me my stuff so I can go." Y/n shook her head as tears formed "No! Where are you going anyway?" Keith groaned and slammed his suitcase closed "Forget it." Y/n threw the clothes down. She didnt want to assume it but it was getting ridiculous.

"Keith, are you cheating on me?"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around "No, what the fuck?!" "T-then why are you being so distant towards m-me?" Y/n sat down and cried. Keith just looked at her and sighed "I'm going to Kevin's for a while. That's all." Y/N cried harder "For no reason it's like you're hating me and I don't know why! Do you find me unattractive? Do you even love me anymore?!" "I don't hate you and I do love you y/n. I just-" "You what?" Keith shook his head and groaned.

"I thought I could handle all these kids." He chuckled as he rubbed his face "It's the stress, y/n. We have three more kids in here-" "You're the one who said you wanted ten kids, right? So don't go back on your word now that it's happening. And don't use stress as an excuse for you disrespecting me." Y/n got up and opened the door "If you need to leave then go. Just stop using our kids as an excuse for being an asshole." Her stomach growled loudly and Keith stared "Did you eat?" Y/n got back in the bed and under the covers. Keith dropped his bag and pulled them off of her.

"Y/n did you eat today?" She shook her head, "Yesterday? The day before?" Keith took her silence as an answer and crawled in the bed with her. "Are you starving yourself?! Why?" He pulled his wife closer to him as she wept and pushed him away, "You kept calling me fat and picking on my weight Keith, I didn't know what to do!" "Starving yourself wasn't going to help if you thought that." Y/n looked him in the eye and nodded "Well my husband wasn't going to." She got up and went to the bathroom as Keith watched her while getting his stuff ready.

"I'm going to come back. I don't know when but I am." Y/N sighed and shook her head. She wasn't going to beg for him to stay.

"Keith if you leave, don't bother coming back."



Is this the end of the Powers Family?

Will Keith and y/n ever make amends?

What the fuck is going on with Keith anyway and where is Tyrell when you need him?

Find out next on Dragon Ball Z!

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