So I went to the fair Saturday and this is basically my experience with my Main.
______________________________________"Okay, here is some money for food and games also stick together." Keith passed out the wristbands to the children while Tyrell paid for him and Makayla and Kyrie didn't need one. You had Timothy in the baby carrier around your torso and KJ in the stroller while Keith was holding Taylor. Timothy was sleeping as you rubbed his soft curls and looked at KJ trying to get out of the stroller when he seen someone eat a Philly Cheesesteak. You gave him a lollipop then he sat back and ate it. Tyrell and Makayla decided to take Taylor with them since they were going on the kid rides with Kyrie while Kendrick was going with his friends and Kennedy was with hers.
Kennedy and her friends was giggling causing Keith to turn around and see a group of boys looking over at them. A boy with waves was eyeing Kennedy in particular. "Come on Nedy, my SIXTEEN year old daughter!" The boys stopped and awkwardly turned around. Kennedy kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes, "Dad it wasn't even that serious!" Keith walked up to her "Keep up the attitude and you will stay with me the whole time you're here." You smirked "Better yet Keith, hold her hand!" She looked at you in disbelief as her friends laughed "Ma!" "I'm just playing, go gave fun." They ran off and Keith looked at you "Do you think we should've laid down some rules? I think we should've!" You patted Keith's arm "Calm down, this is her first time without us at the fair let her have some fun!" Keith looked back and seen the boys follow Kennedy and her friends "Yeah we should've!" He was about to chase after them but you pulled him back "Stop it! She said she'll call every hour now come on." You turned around and seen Kendrick with his hands out still staring at the 20 dollars Keith gave them.
"Yes?" You chuckled, "What is this?!" He asked and Keith shrugged "Money for food and games, like I said." "Nononono, we need more than this!" You rolled your eyes "We gave y'all ungrateful asses 20 dollars each." "I don't know what you gonna do, put it together or something, split some fries. Now get out of my face, you already waisted five minutes of our time here." The only friend you really like of Kendrick stepped up, "Yeah man, it's nothing let's go." You smiled and nodded "Thank you, Jersey!" He blushed and looked away "Y-you're welcome Mrs.Powers." The group walked away and Keith glared at the back of Jersey's head "I don't like that kid." You pulled him to a bench and sat down "Keith he's only 15, you don't have to worry about him." You looked up and seen a man looking at you. "He's the one you have to worry about." Keith looked in his direction and growled "Niggas trying me today." He was about to get up until another man came up and kissed the guy that was looking at you. Keith quickly sat back down "Ooohh." You laughed as the men came over.
"Excuse me, but I would like to say your outfit is gorgeous! Where did you get it?" "Oh thank You, I ordered it from Fashion Nova." You made conversation as Keith sat there feeding Timothy and KJ. The couple complimented the boys and the relationship before leaving. You looked at Keith, "Bet you feel stupid, huh?" He handed Timothy back to you and sat Jr. back in the stroller but he was whining and pointing to the little zoo that was across the way. You groaned "No baby, wanna go on the little Ferris wheel?" He screamed "NOOO HORSEY!" Keith pulled him up and gritted his teeth, "Aye aye, man shut up! Stop crying!" Keith hated when boys whined like little girls but you didn't see a problem with, He's only 2. You took KJ away from him and got up "Come on, let's go see Horsey." Keith looked at you and rolled his eyes "Really? You need to stop babying him." "And you need to stop being so hard on him, he's only a toddler. Last time I checked you have a picture going around of you crying like a little bitch when you were like what, three?" You sneered and he sat back nodding, "Okay mane, go."
In the zoo, KJ was running around and trying to touch the animals but somebody grabbed his hand, "No you can't touch them, man." You was about to cuss whoever it was out but stopped when it was Keith. "Wanna see the chickens?" He clapped "Hickens!" You smiled and grabbed his hand with Keith. KJ was looking at the woman who was talking about the baby chicks like he understood. "I want a baby animal." Keith pouted as you smiled "We already have one. Eight actually, if you count Makayla and Kyrie." He bit his lip and looked you up and down. "I mean another." Your eyes widened "No! Keith I'm done having kids I told you this." He groaned "Pleeassee? The most I want is 10!" "Oh my god!" "That's just 4 more-" "Well better have somebody else stretch her vagina for you." Keith licked his lips "Already ahead of you." A woman walked by and Keith weirdly winked at her "Keith she's old enough to be our kids grandmother!" Keith chuckled "I don't discriminate, even if her ovaries is caked up with dust." "I'm done!" You giggled as Keith stared at you.
"I'm serious though. I want you to have all my children, I love you so much y/n. Witcho beautiful self, you married me to do it! Let's do it! I LIKE DAT!" He yelled and you was about to fall out until you remembered you had Timothy sleep on your chest. "I can't stand you sometimes, Tyree. I love you too." Keith got closer "Show me." "Not infront of these kids!" "Damn! We need some exciment in our sex life, ya know." Your phone started to ring, you looked at Keith before answering. "Do you still get hard?" "Hell yeah!" "There goes your excitement right there! Hello?" "Mom!" You looked at Keith "Kennedy?" "I need your help, these guys won't leave us alone!" "The guys that we seen earlier?" Keith face got hard "What's going on?" You got up and put Timothy in the stroller with KJ. "Where are you?" You could hear the boys in the background "Come on, love! Where your daddy at now?" "Shiit, I can be her daddy!" Keith heard and his eye twitched. 'Oh shit!' You thought.
Keith grabbed the phone "Kennedy where are you!?" "I'm infront of the little zoo, we went in circles and they still followed us!" Keith ended the call and ran. You tried to catch up and stop him from killing someone kids but with two kids of your own, it was hard. By the time you got outside Kennedy and her friends was behind Keith and he was in his fighting mode. "Nigga didn't I tell you and your goons that they are underage? And you harassing them? Bruh I ain't trying to catch no case, don't think I heard that slick shit you was yelling at my daughter." "Keith stop!" You called after him and the boys whistled "Damn even the mama a sexy bi-!" That was the last straw for him. Keith jacked the boy up by his shirt and Kennedy gasped. You told Kennedy to watch the boys and rushed to him. "Keith, he's just a kid!" One if his friends held up his finger "Umm actually he's 23." Your eyes widened and cursed when Keith raised his fist to punch the guy but Tyrell rushed in "Woahh!" He pulled Keith away "Pops he's not worth it!" "I swear to god, don't let me catch your ass on the street." Keith looked at you, "We're leaving."
"Wait what about Kendrick?" Kennedy asked "Yooo!" Kendrick walked up with his friends and a big teddy bear with lights and cotton candy. "Did you really use up all your money?!" You looked at him while he looked dizzy. "No. Just theirs." Jersey and the others had the same stuff but a little more. "He was everywhere, Mrs.Powers!" Keith rolled his eyes "He WaS eVeRyWhErE mRs.PoWeRs!" Jersey frowned at Keith's comeback. "Ignore him, he's just angry. Who wants to eat?" You gotten so use to the angry part of Keith that it doesn't faze you on how fast he catch an attitude. The family left and piled back up in the vans and left to red lobster. You looked back at the kids as Keith found a parking spot. "When we get in here, act like y'all got some damn sense. Where you show out, I show up." Then you looked at their friends. "I know y'all mama's and they will also whoop ass." Everybody nodded and Keith looked at you, "Damn, you really is from the south!" You shrugged and unbuckled the seat belt and got out.
In the restaurant everyone got their food and was conversating until you got up and cleared your throat. "I have an announcement!" All eyes were on you and Keith looked up in confusion. "Well Keith and I had a talk earlier and the only thing I can say is..." You looked at him "Keith, I say in 8 months you're going to get that baby animal you want." Everyone looked confused but Keith eyes watered. Tyrell looked around "What? We getting a pet?" Keith stood up and hugged you "You're pregant!" Kennedy, Kendrick and Tyrell looked at each other and groaned.
Keith you know there is something called condams or ya know...Pulling out.

The Powers Family Imagines (COMPLETED)
FanfictionYou and Keith Powers' large family!