______________________________________Keith choked on his drink and you squinted your eyes. "What do you mean?" Tyrell sat back in his seat while Makayla continued to play with KJ. Kennedy snickerd "And you were worried about me with condoms!" Keith gave her 'the look' and she got quiet. Taylor whined "Mommy, I have to go potty!" Keith sighed and nodded to Kennedy and Kendrick "You two take the kids upstairs and Nedy go help your sister." They did as they were told but of course Kendrick had to say something. "He hit it before me!" Kennedy smacked him "Now when daddy get you don't say anything!" As she took KJ away from Makayla.
It was just the parents and the soon-to-be parents in the room. "You still didn't answer my question." Tyrell looked up "Huh?" "Nigga, if you can Huh, you can hear." Keith only calls his sons that when he's really pissed. "Mom, promise you won't hurt her!" You shrugged "It's not her, I'm going to hurt..." you glared at him.
"Okay, yes she's pregnant-"
"ARE YOU DUMB, BOY?" You jumped up from the table. You charged at Tyrell as he ran on the other side of the table. "POPS GET HER!" Keith just shrugged "It's better her than me." You closed your eyes and sighed "What were you thinking? You're only 19!" Makayla stood up and walked to Tyrell. "Mr and Mrs. Powers with all do respect, I know this may be hard news to handle but I love your son very much-"
"Love? You're only 19 what do you know about love?" Keith stood up from his seat.
"I know that when I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't scared nor nervous. I was happy because I will be able to share something with Tyrell. We both knew what would happen when we had sex unprotected and we will gladly accept the consequences that comes along with it."Tyrell hugged her and you rolled your eyes. Keith groaned and rubbed his hands over his face.
"You both are practically adults now so we can't tell you what to do exactly. But you're under our roof and still decided to do this." You and Keith sat down as Tyrell and Makayla hesitated. "Dont worry, we're calm. We just want ask questions to see if you two got everything on lock." Keith said. They nodded.
"First off, how long are you?"
"1 month, but we found out two weeks ago." You looked at Tyrell. He's just keeping everything from you.
"Your parents know?" Makayla nodded "Are they okay with it?" "No sir, but they said it's already been done and they just wish us the best of luck. They also said, I have to find a place before the baby come because they don't want no crying baby in the house." You sat up "So they basically kicked you out?" Makayla wiped her eyes and sniffed."Well what are you going to do?" Keith asked. "Well I was planning to ask you guys if she could-"
"Hell no!"
Tyrell looked at you both in disbelief. "But-"
"Tyrell, we're already raising six children there isn't enough room for another! Kennedy was ready for you to move out so she can take your room since she's sharing with Taylor." Keith folded his arms.
"I already figured it out! Makayla and I can stay move in the basement and the baby stuff can be in there and Kennedy can move into my room. Kendrick is already by himself also KJ and Timothy are already sharing a room." Keith shook his head "The basement is my man-cave." You rolled your eyes "Keith it's just junk in there! I told you to throw that stuff out years ago." Tyrell smiled "See! The basement is livable all we have to do is clean it out and paint. Besides I was been thinking about moving down there anyway."You tapped Keith "Let's talk" you guys went to the Kitchen.
"So..." You started
"Y/n I don't know" the motherly instincts kicked in.
"Keith, I don't want them living out on the streets! I also don't trust them by themselves especially Tyrell since he almost burned the house down one time."
"I know but Timothy is only a couple of months I thought we planned that no more babies are coming in here?" You shook your head. "I said, no more babies are coming in me. As in pull out from now on." Keith pouted. "The girl parents kicked her out Keith. I'm not doing the same to my son and my unborn grandchild." You shivered "I don't even look like a grandma!" Keith chuckled "You don't fuck like one either!""Okay, we made our choice. You can stay here." Tyrell smiled and got up to hug you but you held up your finger.
"There are rules though. Tyrell you're getting a job, there is no leaving the baby with us whenever you feel like it and I better not hear fucking coming from you two." They blushed "Thank you guys so much!" Makayla smiled. Kennedy screamed "YES CAN I MOVE INTO HIS ROOM NOW?"
Shit is mad stupid. But I might make a part 3 where Makayla has the baby and everything is settled.

The Powers Family Imagines (COMPLETED)
FanfictionYou and Keith Powers' large family!