Chapter 16

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I haven't ever heard that much of screaming in my whole life....

You get it now?

Yes, that's Justin Bieber, he's the cause of the bloody screams from the teengirls around me, and I haven't seen Niall with his mouth open like this before, but it's a good thing he's nothing screaming.

Let me admit, I'm not a fan of Miley nor Justin, so I'm not having fun, so I just go get something to drink.

After finishing my drink, and of course Justin Bieber finished his show, and I think he's resting in a guest room now, which mum actually made it like a dressing room.

"Hey there" I heard Louis' high-pitched voice over the music playing, when I turned around I saw that smirk "I'm hungry, where's the cake?"

I shot him a glare, that's all he cares about! freaking cake!

I didn't have any other choices, so I went to the kitchen to ask Isabella to get the cake, she nodded so I walked away.

Having a birthday is a hard job for me, you know? in my old hometown....only seven people came, and five out of them was just because they wanted to get drunk and have fun, and the other two were just because they had nothing else to do.


I looked around me, people eating cake, others drinking, and many others already drunk.....and Zayn doing some weird moves while a bunch of girls are surrounding him, probably drunk too...I don't see why many people see him as 'Sexy Zaynie'.

I saw a mop of curly hair come into view, isn't that Harry?

He slowly approached me while smiling, aren't these dimples?

"Hello there" he said with his typical British accent, but not high-pitched as Louis.

"Hi" I said and forced a smile, trying not to be mean.

"If you don't mind, I brought a friend with me" Harry said with a cheeky smile, I nodded.

"Ed, come!" he yelled over the music, and from not so far away,an familiar guy, ginger hair, who seems a little older than me, larger and taller as well, came jogging in my direction.



Just then, an unfamiliar guy, ginger hair, who seems a little older than me, larger and taller as well, came jogging in my direction.

"Hey, do you know where is Drake High?" he asked after he was about a meter away from me, I processed the name and then remembered that's my school name

"Yeah, go left, left, right, left, on the right" I said in a monotone, he nodded and left so I continued walking, but this time a little faster because I was running a bit late, and I think Selena might leave her house any second now.

*End of flashback*

How could I have guessed that he's Harry's friend?

Doesn't matter.

"Oh, hi" Harry's friend, Ed.....looked a little confused, but I don't think he'll remember me, it's a miracle that I remembered him.

"Do you want a drink?" Harry asked both me and Ed, and taking glances at each of us.

I shook my head, I am not in a mood for drinking


Since it's midnight, a few people left without saying goodbye, including Zayn and Louis, Harry left a while ago while I didn't see Liam here.

The only people left are: Me, Niall, a girl named Perrie who introduced herself to me as Malik's girlfriend, even though she's too sweet for him and a few seniors who weren't invited.

"Nice party" Niall approached me with a drink in his hand

I sent him a smile, just then, I thought about a completely unrelated topic

Zayn is rich, Louis is, Niall is, Damien is, all popular people are......why me? I'm not that socially awkward.

Doesn't matter, being popular will probably be boring, plus Zayn nor Louis bothered me in school these past few days, which is........good?


What the?

Bang bang-


I heard some loud screams as I returned to reality

"Down!" An Irish voice, Niall yelled and quickly jumped over me

What the hell's going on?


A shooting outside?

"Demetria!" Dad's voice yelled, I quickly got from under Niall, but Niall tried to catch me, but there was a massive shooting outside.

Due to the screams and people running like the speed of light, I wasn't able to see what infron't of me

And then.....

It all happened in slow motion

"Niall!" A voice yelled



From outside, I can see a man in the darkness, I couldn't see well, but the only thing I can see well is a gun aimed at me

Just then, blonde hair came in view and jumped in front of me, and then.....


(A/N I'm not good at making cliffhangers or long chapters, WAAAAAAH D': *Wipes away tears* sorrrryyyy for taking so long to update I-I-I- *sighs* alright, I wasn't busy....I was [lazy] alright, so, uh....It might take a few time for me to update again, sowwy? oh and this is dedicated to @gemmaastyless, thanks for your message (I know it's pretty late I already wanted to dedicate you a chapter but forgot, I know I look pretty weird now) read her fanfic, it's really cool! boo-byez! *muah*)

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