Chapter 13 Romance

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AN: Hey kookycrafters! I'm back and at school writing again. This time we have homeroom for 2 hours, then 2nd period for a normal time, lunch, and finally 4th period for 3 hours. So I have plenty of time. Last chapter I wrote, I finished editing it on the Internet instead of my phone and now my phone says it isn't published but the Internet is telling me otherwise. So if chapter 12 really isn't published, stop right here, don't read any further, and either comment or PM me. Thanks!

*Earl's POV*

After we freed the horses, I went to walk around and study the village. I wanted to know is Steve was still here. I mean, if I did find him, did I really know what I was going to do? All of my senses tell me to eliminate him, but, thinking back to my daydream, I really don't know what I am going to do with Steve, he may be a nice guy. But why would he choose to cause us mobs all of this pain?

He chose to be the Demond he is. He wasn't forced to do this to us, there is no one here that could force him. I walked up and down the village and listened to the sound of the gravel under my feet until I stumbled upon a man-made gravel path that connected to the village's pathway. I saw new footprints in the gravel. Steve.

I walked back by the empty horse stable, they were connected to a real villager home and the silverfish block infested one. I turned around, looking for Abigail, I hoped she felt better now. I saw a small beach by the man-made house and I saw Abigail sitting in the sand staring at the glistening water. Her eyes gleamed and reflected the water. I smiled at her and said, "How are you doing?"

"I feel better now that you helped," she showed me her glowing smile. We walked up the small slope that lead back into the village, stopped and stood staring into each other's eyes smiling. She stood, blocking the sunset, emitting many purple particles that flew around us. I felt pure joy flow through me as I watched the particles dance around us. I looked at the ground and saw grassy flower patches.

I was back in my daydream, but this time it was real. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I leaned in. Once again we kissed passionately. Many feelings flooded my mind, but one stood out more than the others. Joy.

Abigail pulled away, one of her arms laid on my shoulder, and the other she used to stroke my forehead. "Does this mean you are my boyfriend now," she said biting her lip, her head tilted down but her eyes staring back into mine.

"I guess it does," I hissed. She looked at my lips and I kissed her again. "I love you Abigail." I led her back to the beach. The moon was rising.

"I love you too, Earl," She said smiling bigger than ever. More purple particles spun around us, her eyes sparkled, and then something new, the darker black lines on her body lit up. They glowed purple. She was more beautiful than the moonlight that was shining down on the beach.

"Hey, we haven't eaten all day, so I got us some bread," Sam shouted holding up over 20 loaves of bread.

I looked over to the now empty village farms and smirked at Sam, "Who knew we brought a baker along with us?" I joked. Abigail giggled.

"Shut up and eat the bread before I take it back!" Sam said turning bright red. Sam handed us some bread.

"I think I embarrassed him," I whispered to Abigail, who burst out into laughter. Sam charged over to me, so I stuffed 3 loaves of bread in my mouth before he could swipe them. We put our leftovers in the minecart chest.

"I know you two didn't get much sleep last night, so I will take the first shift if Earl doesn't make any other comments," Sam said putting strain on the 'if.' Abigail leaned against me. She wrapped her arms around me weakly. She seemed sleepy and full.

This time, unlike the other night, she fell asleep in a matter of minutes. "Goodnight Abigail, I love you," I whispered to her and kissed her forehead.

"So," Sam said. "I was right," he continued. He was talking loud enough to wake Abigail up.

I looked up at him with a confused expression on my face, and said, "Shhh!" and I nodded my head toward Abigail. "Right about what?" I replied.

"Her being your girlfriend," Sam said blandly.

"You weren't right when you first said it, at that moment, we just met. But we can say that you can predict the future," I joked trying my best not to wake Abigail.

Sam rolled his eyes and made the only sound a therapist would make, "Mmmmhmmmm."

"Thanks Sam," I said.

He scoffed, "For what?"

"For everything you did today. For being nice. For being brave. Even if you do make mistakes, and at times seem mean, I trust you. Today is one of the reasons why," I continued.

"Your welcome, I guess," He answered.

"Goodnight Sam," I said.

"Goodnight," he replied, almost in a mumble. I snuggled in, and pressed my face into Abigail's warm body and was soon asleep.

~Le time skip to 3:30 AM~

"Earl wake up!" Abigail said whisper shouting. The warmth of her body was now gone. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the crusts around my eyelids snap in half with a CRACK. She was kneeling above me with her arms on my shoulders shaking them.

I jolted up and said loudly, "What! Is everything alright?" Sam rolled over, groaned, and fell off of the tree he was leaning on, yet he was still sound asleep. He snored quietly. "Did I wake you up?" I said.

"No, silly! You snore softly though," she chuckled. "I don't snore at all," she bragged.

"We'll see about that. Everybody snores, most mobs snore silently," I explained.

"Oh, you're so smart, scientist," she said sarcastically, then punched me playfully.

I smirked, "Not even a bruise. Sooooooo, why did you wake me up?" I yawned.

"Shut up!" Sam groaned.

"Oh, sorry Sam," Abigail whispered. "It's your shift, Earl," she told me. She laid down on my lap and yawned. "I'm going to sleep, I'll talk to you in the morning," she said muffled as she snuggled up against me.

"Good night. Sweet dreams my Abigail," I said in the quietest and sweetest voice I could make. I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. Before I leaned back she grabbed my face and turned it toward hers and she pecked me on the lips. She buried her feet in the warm sand and fell asleep on my lap.

AN: I loved writing that chapter, I think it is long enough for you. Lovey dovey chapters are my favorite to read and write, so hopefully there will be more of these. Vote and comment if you like what you read. This chapter is dedicated to @Chocolatelover124, she is from my school once again, and she is writing some really good books. Bye bye!

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