Chapter 2

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Jesse P.O.V

School is by far the worst part of my day. People point and stare, whisper and giggle, spread rumors. I wish everyone would just mind their own business.

My first period is English class. It was quiet until the crash. Now everyone sits in their group and whispers about me. Not to mention the members in my group are notorious for skipping, so I'm constantly left alone. It doesn't exactly help me look any better.

I sit in silence, reading a library book Connie picked out for me. It's quite obvious why she picked it. It's about a girl who is grieving the loss of her partner and is blaming herself before she ultimately ends up moving on. Classic, Connie.

The book finds a new home on the desk next to me as I dig through my bag. I normally carry at least one other book with me. I've read all the books in my room during my spare time so I normally keep a few of my favorites in my bag.

Unfortunately, it seems as though Connie went through my bag and cleaned it out, removing any books that she's seen me read. I would ask to venture to the library to pick a new book, but it's all the way across campus. I'd rather just stay here.

Eventually, after what seems like a painfully long time, the bell rings. I pick up my portable concentrator and grab the handle to my bag. Luckily, I have a rolling bag so I don't have to actually carry it. Connie chooses to carry it, but I don't.

I walk half-way across the campus and I'm already out of breath. Going about my day is never easy. I preferred elementary school when you had one classroom. Things were much easier back then.

My next class is math. After that is culinary, history, physics, gym, and finally, art. I enjoy culinary because I get to cook my own food for once. Gym is actually just a free period for me. I don't have to exercise, I simply sit and play on my phone or finish work for another class. It's actually nice most days. Art is the one class Connie and I have together. The teacher is nice and she gives us plenty of opportunities to complete projects and more. That's definitely my favorite class.

The day moves quickly. Before I know it, I'm sitting with my back against the bleachers in my gym class. I put in my earbuds and set the volume on my phone to its highest setting. That's all I do in this class because my coach knows that I'm not physically capable of exercise. I'm only in the class because it's a requirement and no other elective was open during this period.

Days didn't always feel like this; so full of sorrow and gloom. I was happy, once upon a time. I would smile and laugh just like any other kid my age. I didn't have this aching heart to weigh me down.

Those days are now just a distant memory. The sky is no longer a vibrant blue. It's a dull grey full of clouds that block out the sun. The days move painfully slow as if time as slowed down to match the mood of the day.

The sounds of rubber soles shrieking against the gym floor rips me from my thought. The coaches have tossed out several basketballs for students to use. Now the only sound that cuts through my music is that God-awful squeaking.

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I check the time. There's still about forty minutes of class remaining. I despise this class, despite having no work to do. I spend it alone in silence, my music is the only thing that fills the void.

I flinch in surprise when a basketball comes flying towards the wall, far too close to my head. It happens every once in a while, but it still gives me a mini-heart attack and makes me start wheezing for breath.

Erin, the twin brother of my comatose lover, comes running over to retrieve the ball. Seeing him sends a sharp pain to my chest because of how similar he looks to my partner. It's surprising that they aren't identical.

He grabs the ball and gives me a small glance. We know each other fairly well. His brother spent so much time with me that he practically lived in my house. It wouldn't be surprising if Erin didn't like me, but he doesn't seem to have a problem with me.

"Hey, Jesse," he says after tossing the ball to one of his friends so they can resume playing.

"Hi," I whisper.

My voice is weak and quiet compared to the loud volume of the gym. Erin sits down next to me and looks me over.

"You okay? You look rough."

I sigh softly. "Thanks," I mutter.

"Seriously." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "How are you handling this? You look awful compared to how you used to look."

"I should be asking you that. He's your brother."

This conversation is killing me, but I can't push Erin away. He's concerned about me. I don't want to be rude.

"Of course I'm worried about him, but that's normal. He's my brother. I love him because I have to. You love him because you want to. It has to be hurting you far worse," he explains.

One of Erin's teammates calls for him to come back to the game, but he waves him off. I don't want to keep him from his game, but I know that will be a fruitless effort.

"It's agonizing," I whisper, keeping my gaze on the floor to try and keep my tears in.

Erin puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into a hug. Unfortunately, his embrace isn't the same. It actually makes me feel more uncomfortable than comforted.

The bell rings at this moment, giving me a reasonable excuse to break the hug and leave as fast as I can. Erin has good intentions, but being around him is simply too painful.

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