Chapter 8

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Jesse P.O.V

My entire body aches. The bruises left on my fragile body pain me. The scratches I left while trying to get clean now sting in pain. Everything hurts.

My head lulls back and I start to fall asleep, despite my pain. Everything starts to slip away as I drift into unconsciousness. I'm at peace at last.

I'm back in the hospital. The floor is quiet and looking down the hallway makes it seem like it extends and goes on forever. The optical illusion makes me feel nauseous.

I slowly walk down the corridor. What I'm looking for is unclear. This is the floor that has my partner. I'm going to see him while I'm here.

I watch room numbers carefully. I don't want to miss his. Finally, I reach his room. The door looks slightly different from the others; as if it's recently been painted or replaced.

My hand gently grasps the knob and turns it. The door opens with a shove, feeling like something was in front of it. I'm not quite sure what it could've been, but it moved.

The room is dark when I enter. The sounds of machines running are almost eerily distorted. Then my eyes land on the empty bed. My heart instantly hits the floor.

"No," I say quickly, "no no no!" I cry at the realization that my partner is gone.

The tears begin to pour from my eyes as if a dam that was holding them back just collapsed. Crying does not enhance my breathing in any circumstance, but as of now, stopping would be impossible.

My knees give out and I collapse near the bed. No amount of physical pain will ever compare to what I feel right now. The loss of someone I deeply love is crippling.

I sob on the floor. My eyes are full of tears and my vision is impaired. I can't make out any details of the room.

Suddenly, during my intense and exhausting sobbing, a strong figure grabs and pulls me up from the floor. My first instinct is to struggle. This room held my partner and I'm not ready to leave.

"Jesse, it's me," a familiar voice cuts through my hysteria.

My body instantly stops it's crying and turns. My partner, John, is holding me. He's awake. He's finally awake.

As if on reflex, I throw my arm around him and hug as tight as I can. He chuckles softly and hugs me back, practically picking me up.

"I missed you so much," I choke out.

"I'm here now. You don't have to be alone anymore," he says softly before planting a soft kiss on the top of my head.

A few tears travel down my cheeks, not from sadness, but from happiness. John is awake now. I have my partner back. He's finally back.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too."

We stand together for several moments. It feels good just to be in his presence. The world feels right again and I feel safe.

"I waited so long," I whisper, "I thought you might never wake up."

"I'm here now. You don't have to worry. I'll always be here," his words are comforting, but something about him sounds off.

My eyes wander up my partner and I instantly jump back in disgust. John is no longer himself. His body morphed into that of the janitor's.

"Don't run away," his voice is sickeningly distorted. It's deep and scratchy, and half the words slur together.

"Leave me alone!" I scream while running as fast as I can down the hall.

My eyes remain forward as I run. I'm trying to get to the one place I know I'll be safe; the elevator. Unfortunately, the farther I run down the hall, the further the elevator gets.

Heavy footsteps grow closer and closer every second. I desperately try harder to run, but the elevator is out of reach. I would never be able to run there.

I've given up at this point. I can't see the point in trying anymore. The janitor is going to get me and have his way. I'm exhausted and I was never strong enough to fight him in the first place. I got lucky the first time with the lamp and alarm clock. This time, I don't have either of those things.

Two strong arms grab my waist from behind. These, however, do not belong to the janitor.

"Baby, don't run away from me," John's voice cuts through my panic.

Again, he morphs into the janitor, causing me to scream.

"I just want to have a little fun with ya'~," he purrs while trying to bite my neck.

I quickly swing my arm back and hit him where it hurts. He lets out a growl and practically throws me on the floor.

"Now you're in for it!" he yells while rushing at me.

I scream and close my eyes tightly out of fear.


My sister's voice rips me out of my horrid nightmare. I awake with a gasp as I try to catch my breath. Unfortunately, my stress throws me into a coughing spell.

Connie pats my back a bit roughly in an attempt to help me get through it. After a few minutes, I'm finally able to stop. My sister hands me a glass of water to help.

"You were practically screaming in your sleep," she says softly. "What the hell happened today?"

I busy myself with drinking the water Connie brought me to avoid answering. Unfortunately, I quickly drink all the water and now she fully expects me to answer her question. As much as I want to keep this my own burden to bear, I fear that I won't be able to if nightmares like this continue.

I let out a soft sigh as I set the empty class aside. Connie crosses her arms and looks me dead in the eye.

"Do you promise not to tell?" my voice comes out as a meek whisper.

"I promise."

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