Chapter 16

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Jesse P.O.V

After several weeks in the hospital, I'm finally allowed to leave and go home. I was put on suicide watch. I wasn't allowed to go or do anything on my own. It was very infuriating. As if I didn't have enough attention already, being on oxygen and only having one arm.

Unfortunately, my partner didn't return once the drugs in my system wore off. He was simply a hallucination. It makes me sad to think about. Just him being next to me, I felt safe. I didn't want to die. I wanted to stay alive and spend the rest of my horrid life with him.

John can't solve all my problems. I know that. He's tried to solve them all, but he knows that he can't. Does he help? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean he's a magical cure for everything that's wrong with me. He can only resolve so much.

At this moment, I'm laying in bed. My family has made me several appointments with a psychiatrist. They say that she gets a lot of nice reviews and suggestions. She also specializes in helping people who have been raped or molested. To me, it seems that's the only reason my family chose her, but I suppose I could be wrong. Doctors at the hospital recommended her. She must be good at what she does.

I read a book to pass the time. It isn't exactly easy to hold the book, so I lay on my stomach and have the book on my bed. This isn't ideal either because I end up laying on my oxygen tube, but it's the best solution I have. Not every solution can be perfect.

Slowly, the book gets interesting and I'm sucked into it completely. I'm invested in the characters. Two men fighting over a girl, only to realize that they were trying to impress the other. It's quite the love triangle.

The book keeps me busy for a few hours. There are only about ten pages left. When I'm nearly finished, there's a soft knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I ask without looking up from my book.

"It's Connie," my sister's voice comes through.

"What is it? I'm reading a good book."

"There's a surprise waiting for you downstairs," she explains with a small giggle.

Normally, I'm not one for surprises. They always get me worked up and I begin coughing and wheezing until I almost vomit. They aren't very fun for me.

"What surprise? It's not some special occasion is it?" I put my bookmark on my page so I won't lose my place before getting up slowly and walking to the door.

"No occasion, but you'll really like it," Connie says happily.

"Tell me what it is," I say while opening the door.

"No, go see. That's the whole point of a surprise," her tone comes out sternly.

A deep sigh escapes my lips as I begin to walk downstairs. My body is half asleep and aching from laying in the same position for several hours. I didn't particularly feel like moving, especially walking down the stairs.

"Your surprise is in the living room," Connie coos.

My eyes roll as if it was a reflex for them. Today's date is of no importance to anyone. It's not a birthday, holiday, anniversary, anything. It's just another day, in another month, in another worthless year.

Slowly, I walk into the living room. The room is dark and it's hard to make anything out. Just as I reach for the light switch, a lamp flicks on, revealing my surprise. On the couch, sitting before me is John.

My heart feels as if it's just skipped an entire minute's worth of beats. I'm speechless. All I can do is hug him as tight as I can while my eyes fill with tears and my lungs flare up.

"I missed you so much!" I sob, wheezing and coughing over my own tears.

"Calm down, Baby. I'm here now. There's no need to get yourself all worked up," John says softly, rubbing my back.

I take several shaky breaths to try and ease the flare-up in my lungs. It takes a few minutes of steady breathing to stop coughing.

"I missed you," I whisper softly.

"I missed you too," he replies, kissing my forehead gently.

John appears very thin. He was always pretty lanky before, but now he looks thin to an unhealthy nature. I know it was the lack of proper exercise and nutrition that caused his loss of overall mass, but I still worry. He even has a cane, though I know he'll refer to it as a walking stick.

"You look terrible," I tease him, running my fingers through his hair that's grown much longer in the last few months.

"I could say the same thing about you." John runs his hands over my shoulders and down to my hips.

I can't help but let out a small laugh. This isn't exactly a thing to joke about, but I missed John so much that I don't care if I laugh.

"I'm glad you're here," I whisper softly, close to his ear.

"Of course I'm here. You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?" he jokes.

"I should have known better," I laugh.

"Connie told me about what you've been up to." John plays with a few locks of my hair. "I'm here now and I'm never going to leave you like that again," he reassures me.

I hug him tighter and rest my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you more than anything," I whisper.

"I love you too."

John can't fix all my problems, but he's definitely my favorite antidote. Now that he's back with me I feel a bit better. Once I start going to my therapy appointments maybe things will start to feel like they did before the crash. Maybe, one day, John and I can move away from the pain of this town and have a happy family of our own. There's no one I would rather live my life with than him.

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