Chapter 6

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Jesse P.O.V

My body shuts down in the elevator. I'm wheezing for any available breath I can get. The makeshift repairs I did on my tubing aren't working as I hoped. I can't breathe and my vision is fading once again.

I manage to reach up and slap a random button on the elevator. I couldn't make out what it was. It might be the lobby, which would be ideal.

The only thing I know for certain is the sensation of traveling down. It's almost relaxing in my state of hysteria.

The doors open with a distorted 'ding' that sounds distant. The sounds of distorted voices rushing to me begin to become clearer. The nurse I know best, Debra, begins to bark orders on how to handle me. I can't make any of them out, but I know that it's her.

I'm somewhere in between conscious and unconscious. My brain is trying to force me to stay awake, but my body has given up entirely.

When I regain consciousness, I'm laying in a hospital bed. My vision is still hazy, but I can make out one figure in the room with me.

"You're finally awake," my sister's voice cuts through my impaired hearing.

I let out a soft groan. "What happened?"

"I should be asking you that," she says while getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I rub my face gently, hissing in pain from the large bruise on my cheek. Connie touches my face gently and shows concern.

"Who did this to you?" she asks softly.

I look around the room for a few moments. Everything comes flooding back to me all of the sudden. Everything that happened in that God-forsaken room.

The memories cause my eyes burn with tears. I don't want to cry in front of my sister, but the tears have already started falling. My entire body curls up on itself out of reflex.

"Jesse, what happened up there?"

I sob quietly into my knees. My throat feels like it's closing and I can't bring myself to tell Connie the truth. I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to tell anyone what happened.

My head shakes in reflex to her question. I can't bring myself to answer. I don't know what to say and my mind is panicking.

"Jesse, whatever happened, you have to tell me. You can't live like this," she says, rubbing my shoulders.

"I wanna go home!" I desperately cry out.

Part of me wanted to see my partner one last time before leaving, but the rest of me is screaming to get out of this hospital as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay, we'll go home," Connie says in a soothing tone while trying to console me.

She takes out her phone and dials a number, presumably one of our fathers. She quickly types a message before setting her phone down.

Before I know it, I have two arms wrapped around me in a protective manner. Connie is hugging me tightly, running her fingers through my hair gently.

"What happened? Is John okay?" she asks softly.

"He's asleep," I whisper weakly.

"Then what happened?" she asks.

I know that Connie won't give up until I give her a detailed answer as to why I'm upset. Unfortunately, I'm not willing to give her one. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to give anyone such an answer.

"Bad," is the only word I'm able to use to describe the events of earlier today.

"What's bad?" she asks, trying to get more information out of me.

Unfortunately, for her, I refuse to give any further detail. I remain silent. She sighs softly and ultimately gives up on the topic.

Our father arrives and hugs me after entering the room. "What happened? Are you okay? Connie texted me saying they found you unconscious in the elevator," his tone is worried.

"I'm fine," I whisper, but my voice trembles.

He gives a worried look to Connie, who simply shrugs. She doesn't know the truth. I'm the only one who knows what happened and I'm too cowardly to admit it.

Our dad sighs and helps me out of bed. My legs feel wobbly and I nearly collapse into his arms. He whispers soft words of reassurance while walking me out to the car. Connie fills out my release papers and talks to Debra for a few moments before following us.

My legs give out by the time we reach the car. I lay down in the backseat of the car and wheeze softly. I vaguely see a worried look in my father's eyes.

Connie gets in the passenger seat and turns around to look at me. I can see the concern written all over her face.

"Will you tell me what happened when we get home?"

Before I can give an answer, our father gets in the car. I remain quiet, knowing that if I answer that he'll ask questions. I'd rather not tell anyone of the horror that I've been exposed to this afternoon.

As we drive, I watch our father glance back at me in the mirror from time to time. He's going to tell my other father and then they will both be asking what happened to me. They'll keep asking and asking until finally, I shatter and tell them.

I sit up in the backseat as we pull into the driveway. Much to my family's disliking, I pick up my portable concentrator and quickly walk inside. While walking up the stairs, I lean against the wall for support.

"Let me help you," Connie says while walking after me.

"I'm fine," I mutter while walking to my room.

"Something happened at that hospital today and I want to know what." She takes my portable concentrator and switches me to my larger one as I sit on my bed.

"Nothing happened. I overworked myself," I lie through my teeth.

Connie can tell this is a lie, easily. She sits next to me and sighs.

"Don't lie to me. I want the truth," she says sternly.

"I need to rest," I tell her.

Her want to know is clear, but she gets up and leaves, allowing me to rest my stress away.

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