Chapter 2

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I woke up with a jolt to see someone banging on my door, I must have dozed off talking to Ming, I saw my phone, call was still on even after 3 hours – I saw the time it was close to 1 AM, I was scared shitless – I didn't want to open the door.

"Open the bloody door" I heard my father, looks like he is drunk again, "leave him alone" I heard my ma trying to pull him out "leave me bitch – it's because of you two I can never stand tall in front of my family"

I could hear him pushing my ma – and her trying to fight, I ran outside with my only thought about ma.

I ran in-between to shield her form his blows, and was beaten mercilessly until he tired out. My mom helped me back to my room – I couldn't even make a sound.

Servants had all returned and my aunt and uncle had gone to back their home, so there was no one who would care or dare stop my dad.

My ma stayed with the entire night, nursing me, and it wasn't before all servants returned we both dared to go out.

I ate my food in silence – I could feel the eyes of both my pa and grandpa on me, "tcht, tcht...." he made a sound of disapproval "still a weakling".

I could feel the pity in the eyes of those around me and I felt so ashamed that I wished for the earth to open up and swallow me then and there.

My phone buzzed, and all eyes my ma, pa and grandpa were on me. I excused myself and went back to my room, it was Ming "I am here, what's your address".

Phone was out of my hands as I was reading it – "Who is making you ignore your manners" it was my grandpa and I couldn't stop myself from trembling. "Is it a boy?" he snarled, I just stood there in silence.

I have had enough – I am going to be a doctor for god sake, I took my phone from him and didn't say anything.

I was immediately slapped by my Pa, "Is it what I taught you?" and then before he could continue – my ma pulled me out, "get out"... "GO NOW" she screamed.

"I am proud that my grandson is going to be a Doctor, but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants" screamed my grandpa, and then I came to my senses – I ran outside without thinking anything.

I was out of breath, not sure where I ran – I looked around. Then sighed and shared my location with Ming.

I couldn't stop my tears running down – I just went to a corner where it was much less crowded and sat down hiding my face with hands waiting for Ming to come.

"Screech...." I heard a car stop in front of me, I couldn't dare lift my head and see if it was Ming, before I realize – long hands hugged me and I felt myself melt in that warm hug.

"Are you okay, my kitkat" I could hear the panic in voice, his concern and love - now I am sobbing in his arms – while he hugged me tighter.

I don't know how long I cried in his arms or how many were looking at us, but it was a while before I could compose myself and all the while he held me safe in his arms.

"Can I see?, Does it hurt?" asked Ming as he pulled up by sleeves and saw the bruises.

"I should have never let you go" his voice cracked , I finally looked up and saw tears in his eyes ready to roll down, I quickly pulled down my sleeves "I am okay... I am stronger than you think" I said and tried to get up.

He silently got up with me "You are never going back again, never alone" it sounded more like a promise than words of comfort. We drove back in silence for some time.

"I am worried about mom" I said in a low voice "I wish, she would step out of that house. She was my only protector and now I abandoned her", I couldn't help feel guilty.

"Don't worry, I am sure she will be okay." he then looked at me, "I am more worried about you, let me take care of you please".

I sighed and closed my eyes, but I was holding on to Ming's hands the whole way back.

"Kit" "Wake up"... I heard Ming's voice softly waking me up, I opened my eyes and looked around – we were in front of my dorm, I sighed in relief glad it was not anywhere else. We went to my room and I went straight into the shower – feeling a bit clean and better I stepped out. 

Ming was not in the room, I was just about to call him when he opened the door with food in his hands. "I got us some lunch, I am super hungry" he said with a smile on his face. 

Shit, I didn't even think about him once "Am sorry, let's eat" I said quickly cleaning up the table.

Hugging me from back, he said "Don't be" and continued "Don't you ever think, any of this is your fault" he said in general. 

I just smiled it is not something I am hearing for a first time but only problem is actually accepting it. "Let's eat" I told him. 

He planted a noisy kiss on my cheek "okay".

I was grateful for his presence in my life, I seem to have things under control and pretend everything was normal – but once Ming came into my life, I am forced to acknowledge the horrors of my life and somehow talking about it to my friends and Ming seem to make things very real, which means I need to do something about it.

He gave me courage and honestly, Ming seemed to heal my soul but I feel like I have been very selfish, whole time where we have been together I seem to deprive Ming the most common and important thing in any relationship - intimacy.

I must have sighed loudly, Ming looked into my eyes, I looked down "Kitty – stop over thinking" he can see through me I thought to myself, when I looked up he gave a wink and continued "I am finally happy that I have you to myself with no one to steal you from me and no classes. So whether you like it or not, I am going to be around you 24 hours."

"Are you stupid, you parents must be waiting for you" I said half heartedly, I really didn't want him to go at the same time I couldn't ask him to stay.

"Yeah, yeah... am stupid, if you are that worried join me" he smiled back.

"Don't, you go as planned. I can stay here alone." I said

"What if someone steals you or you decide to dump me when I am gone?" he asked faking fear, "Only you can think this way Ming – I sometime wonder why and how I fell for you" I said a bit annoyed.

I really wanted to him to stay but at the same time I was worried about his family and annoyed at my increasing dependency on this guy.

"You fell for my manly face and gorgeous looks" he laughed and before I can say anything "it's already done, so deal with it" he said pulling me into his arms and kissed me on my nose.

He knew I was a goner when he does that, Iaccepted that I have already lost and finally smiled back – it was a pleasantthought having him with me every minute of the day.    

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