Chapter 10

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"Get out" yelled my Pa before I could react, I stepped out of my car and the very instant I felt his hard hands on my face – he slapped me so hard that my surrounding went out of focus.

"Don't interfere " I heard him yelling, I think he was yelling at my friends "Please stop" I heard my ma , trying to get in-between me and pa.

"Move aside you bitch, you are the very reason why he is like this – you both make my life a living hell" he was shouting now, and before I could steady myself – he punched me again and this time I was on the ground.

He started kicking me with all his might, while Pha and Beam, were trying to pull him away from me.

"Stop it" I heard the old man bark a command "you are making a scene", I was trying to look up and all I could see what his cold face, "get this thing to home" he said pointing to me and my mom.

"It is your fault, he is so twisted and sick – you can't even seem to control your wife and kid" he was now hissing at my pa.

Initial shock has gone, I can see the pain kicking in – I actually feel the blood on my lips, I slowly try to stand while Beam holds me up – I see Pha standing between my mom and pa, trying to block her from any more blows, she was bleeding too.

Entire campus seemed to be looking at us, I wished for the earth to open up and swallow me alive.

Grandpa then looked at Pha and Beam "You guys stay out of it, it is my family" he then looked at my ma "Get in the car and bring that with you", but my mom was in shock until my dad dragged her into the vehicle.

He then turned to Beam "Hands off my grandson – you fucking gays are turning him into one of you" he pushed away Beam who seemed to be stunned by the words.

"Stop it" I shouted at him, and then he turned to me "Your ma is in the car – and you better follow her" he said never raising his voice, but mustering all the hatred in that slow tone. I understood the underlying threat.

"I will go" I said in general, Beam tried to hold me back but I said "It is okay – I need to go, else it will be worse for ma" I told him.

I was too worried to look into the guys face, but they were still holding on to me – I looked up at them – I can see the concern and horror on their face, they were shocked seeing the truth I have been living for all these years, first hand.

I could not stand those looks anymore, so I hurried towards my pa's car – and got in quickly – I could feel as if all eyes were on me that instant – I can see them paralysed as pa drove away in the rear-view mirror.

It was a long drive – and no one uttered a word. I was numb with my mind blank – I was holding my ma's hand and I quite couldn't distinguish who is shaking more – me or her?

Tear kept rolling down her eyes, grandpa kept muttering about how ridiculous it was, how my father had no control over his family, how he had turned me into a weakling, and how he was not a real man for letting is son become such a low-life.

I could hear all his words, but for some strange reason I could not process them – and a corner of my mind started wandering – why am I not processing.

We had reached out home – pa and grandpa were both out of the car instantly, and I was dragged into my house.

"Why do you never learn" asked my grandpa "you are not a man, if you love another man – and in my family there should be MEN" he continued while I just stood there.

Pa was back now; he looked at me with so much disgust "what is the use of me making you a doctor?", I still stood there silently - afraid to even breathe.

"Starve him until he changes his mind" I heard my grandpa say "else let him die, it is better for him to die than live like this" while my pa didn't say anything "it is your fault – your son is like this – you were not man enough" he said again to my pa.

On hearing it, pa went berserk.

"I am man enough" my pa was punctuating every word with blow to my face and stomach.

I fell on the ground and he started kicking and hitting me with something cold and pointy - mercilessly, until I lost my consciousness.

I felt cold, I could feel the chill creeping into my bones and then I opened my eyes, it was so dark that I could not see anything – I started shivering now, it was the same basement room and then I realized that I was naked, stripped to my bones.

I could not feel my legs, I tried moving my arms a bit, tried to get up – but no, I could not move an inch.

It was pitch black and every part of my body was aching so much – I tried screaming but not much of sound came.

I closed my eyes shut, 'this is not real, thisis not real' was all I could tell myself and then I was out again.  

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