Chapter 11

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"Kit", "KITTT".... "KITKAT" – I could hear Ming's voice so far away, Ming is here – but I am not able to see him.. hmm strange..... "My Kitkat, please, please come back to me.... can you hear me" I hear his voice more clearly now.

I tried to open my eyes, but I can hardly open half my left eye – "KITTTT" Ming was now sobbing, I am gathering my senses now – but how and why is he here? Shit, he needs to get out before those monsters hurt him... I have to warn him

"Go" I say but I don't think he heard me...."GO" I say a bit louder now, Ming was now hugging me – it slowly dawns on me that I am no longer naked, something is covering me and I am in Ming's arms.

It was warm finally.

"You are not safe here, go" I told him again, hoping he is not hurt "No – it is okay. You will be okay – I am not leaving you" he said showering me with kisses.

I do not understand what he says, "Pa will hurt you – please go" I say a bit louder again, and this time he finally hears me, tears are running down his face falling on me "No one will hurt us – no one, sorry I was late"

"Ma?" I said trying to get a sense of what was happening "She is okay – she is hurt too, but she is okay" Ming replied hugging me tighter "Pha is helping her" he said.

"Okay" I replied and then closed my eyes. I was in and out, but every time I opened my eyes - Ming was with me.

I could feel pain everywhere, I tried opening my eyes slowly – it was too bright, I closed them and tried opening again – it was a different place, I looked around slowly - I think it is a hospital.

"Darling – can you hear me" I heard the familiar voice, I turned to my right and saw Ming sitting then with an anxious look, I smiled at him.

"KITTY" he then broke down crying and suddenly the lights were fully on, it was so blinding that I had to close my eyes and needed time to adjust before I can look properly.

Yo was consoling Ming, tears where rolling down Pha's eyes while Beam was holding him, but they were all looking at me.

"We are so sorry – we got delayed, we didn't know what to do" Pha kept apologising continuously, while Ming was still crying. Wow – Pha was crying!!! Was all I could think!!!!

The door opened and a doctor walked in with Forth, "Can you guys please step outside" he said "I need to check him thoroughly", no I didn't want Ming to leave..... "I will stay" I heard Ming say, I relaxed.

Doctor did some checks – but all the while Ming held my hand standing on the other side, I never stopped looking at him.

"You have a ruptured spleen with some internal bleeding, a hairline fracture on your shoulder bone, a whole lot of bruises" he said softly "But you will be fine, we will take care of you".

He looked at Ming, "I will advise for some sedatives today – he will be in lot of pain. You should also rest now" he told him with concern "you need to take care of yourself to care for your friend" and he left.

The whole gang came in once the doctor left, I felt happy for having such friends despite my pain "How long was I out?" I asked slowly, barely a whisper "How is ma?"

It was Forth who replied "It has been 2 days, we were worried why you were not gaining conscious" he said in such a soft tone – it was so not the Forth I knew. "Your ma is okay, she is getting discharged tomorrow"

I badly wanted to ask about what happened to pa and that old man, but Forth continued "Police arrested both your Pa and grandpa, your ma is filling for a divorce" he informed me cautiously, worried about my reaction

I was relieved on both the accounts "Good" was all I could say.

Beam slowly bent down, ran his fingers through my hair "Don't ever scare me like that again" – and gave a kiss on my forehead before stepping back.

He turned to Pha, "You stay with him tonight, I will take Ming back to the room – he needs rest", he then looked at me "sleep – I will be here when you wake up", they all moved out so that Ming can have some alone time.

"I am sorry" he said kneeling down to my bed and resting his head near my face "I should have been there to prevent this from happening"

"Don't worry – it as not as bad, I wasn't as scared – because of you" I told him slowly.

He looked at me with a strange expression, "You kept telling me to go so that I would be safe" he said "You were worried about me even when you were beaten to death"

I didn't reply to him immediately "I don't want you to be hurt" I said slowly, he just leaned in a bit closer and kissed me "I love you"

I sighed, "I know".

"I was so scared when you didn't wake up for 2 days – these were the worse days of my life" he was shaking now, "I don't know how and If I can live in a world without you – promise that you will be with me always"

"I will" I replied, and there was a knock on the door.

Pha came in , followed by a nurse – she administered some injections on my IV, smiled at Ming "Go home today, he will be okay – all his test show that he is improving".

Pha said "go on Ming, sleep for tonight – I will be with Kit", I could see Ming protesting as I closed my eyes.

"Sleep tight, I will see you tomorrow" I heardMing say and felt him kiss me before I slept. 

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