Chapter 9

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I called my ma soon after the classes to pick her up, but she was already in front of the campus – so we went to pick her up.

She almost ran to me and hugged me as soon as I got out of the car, "How are you dear?" she asked "You have gotten thinner, are you still not eating properly"

"Hello Aunty" beam pitched in "He eats like a pig, but he also works like an ox" he said with a smile "How are you?, sorry we have not been around" he smiled at her.

My mom now let go of me and then moved to hug Beam and Pha, "how are you kids?" she asked "we are good aunty" it was Pha who replied now while opening the car door for her. Beam was carrying her bag.

"It is too good aunty, but you didn't have to bring so much food" said Beam; we were in our room eating up the food she had got, while there was a knock on the door. Pha and Beam, looked at me meaningfully, I was nervous.

As expected it was Ming, he was carrying a flower bouquet, so huge that it hid his more than half his face, he looked nervous as well.

"Hello Aunty" he walked up to her with his smile on – he was planning to work his charm , which I know will definitely be helpful "I am Ming, friend of Kit" and handed over the flowers to her

"Oh... hello" she said with a smile "wow – such beautiful flowers, it is my first time receiving such pretty flowers and I love this feeling" she replied back genuinely happy. How come I never gave my ma flowers I thought to myself – I have been a stupid son.

"You are very pretty too" Ming added with a smile and sat down next to me "Wow – you seem to be a great cook – Beam just can't stop eating" he said adding another compliment.

"Thanks – what do you do? Are you in same class as these guys?" she asked genuinely curious now, it has always been then three of us and a forth guy here was a surprise for her.

We were all silent, but Ming replied confidently "No Aunty, am a 1st year engineering student – I was Kit's junior in his high school too".

"Oh.. ok." She looked at me puzzled "here son, hope you will like my food" she said as she handed over a plate to Ming. "I will love it, thanks" he smiled and took the plate of her hands.

We ate in silence for a minute, and then suddenly Pha said "Oops, sorry aunty I had promised to share my notes with the class – I need to make copies, so we will go now." to mom while looking at beam meaningfully "Oh yeah... We will see you during dinner aunty" he quickly added and followed Pha

It was just me, my Ma and Ming in the room – she kept looking at back and forth and then a pained expression crossed her face.

"What is it Ma?" I asked her, she sighed but said nothing for some time.

"How long have you guys been together?" she asked in general, I was stunned and so was Ming, but I quickly responded "for more 6 months now.. How did you know?"

She ignored me "does your parents know? What do they do?" She asked Ming

"Yes Aunty, they know – they also know Kit and they love him too" he said, looking up from his plate – while holding he gaze steadily.

She then looked at me "How much does he know, is he the one who picked you up in Rayong?"

"Yes" was all I could say. I was not sure how she will react on someone outside knowing about our terrible family secret, but I was desperate for her support.

Tears were in her eyes, threatening to roll down any minute, but her voice was steady "Do you think you will be able to manage this cruel world? You are even younger than him" she now looked worried "I don't want him hurt anymore"

She said with such a conviction that I looked up, I then went close to her "Ma – we will be okay, I will be fine.. Better than fine" I paused "I am truly happy when I am with Ming – he makes me want to be stronger"

"Don't worry, we will take care of ourselves and you too... you don't have to live in that hell for me anymore" I told her holding her close in my arms "I am not the same kid anymore".

Ming looked at us "I promise that Kit will never be hurt because of me – I promise to take care of him" he said "Please believe me".

My mom sighed, "I wish it was that easy" but then she smiled "I see a lot of difference in my Kit, and am assuming that you are the reason for these changes" she now extended her arms to Ming.

He came in closer to her "He has been through a lot – but if you are the reason he is happy, then I can love you as my son too" and held his hands in hers "but, please don't hurt him – all I can do is ask you that".

"Never" he said with such sincerity that my mom just gave him a hug and asked him to continue eating.

2 days has been truly carefree weekend, where six of us including Ming, Yo and Forth took my ma to Wat Arun, Grand place and some casual shopping. She got us all gifts saying it was on behalf of all our moms.

Dinners were a quiet event just with ma, me and Ming – I felt more at home in my room than I have ever felt at home. Time flew quickly and it was Sunday – we were planning to meet Pha and Beam in front of the campus before I could go drop my mom.

She said her goodbye to my friends and she hugged Ming so tight with a farewell note "Be happy with my Kit, and make him happy" and she got into the car.

I said my goodbye to Ming, "I will drop her and be back tonight", he nodded "are you sure you don't want me to come?" he asked "I have this bad feeling that I can't seem to shake it off"

"No, it is okay – My Pa is out on a trip and my grandpa is going to come only tomorrow, it should be fine – at least for now" I responded "you need go and start on your assignment, now go"

"Okay" he was not fully convinced "Text and call me" he said. "Definitely – it is only a trip for couple of hours, don't worry" I told him and started to move.

He then pulled me by my hands, not wanting to let go, I moved in closer and gave him a kiss on his lips and then said "Bye"

Ming nodded, he was not fully convinced but still went to his car, Pha and Beam were still talking to my mom and when they saw me coming, bid their goodbyes.

I watched him drive away before I went to my car.

I got into the car, and before I could start I saw my mother freeze with fear – I turned to look at the direction she was seeing

Pa and Grandpa were both staring at us.   

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