Chapter 12

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I was in and out of it the whole time, and every time I opened my eyes, Pha would step up to me , asking me if I needed something or to go to sleep.

I had no idea what time it was – but as I came around, I heard Ming's voice "I just couldn't stay"

Pha was whispering now "You need to – you haven't slept for 2 days, and it is not good for you"

"You didn't see him as I found him Pha" Ming said "I thought for a second he was dead, all covered in blood and bruises" he sighed "I see that every time I close my eyes".

I couldn't see clearly but I think Pha was patting on Ming's shoulder, while Ming's head was resting on Pha's chest – may be I am dreaming??? I just listened.

Pha didn't say much, Ming continued "I do not want him out of my sight, I will be better if I am with him", Pha sighed loudly and said "Okay – sleep here, next to his bed – I will watch over both of you".

I felt better to know that Ming was here too; I didn't say anything and closed my eyes.

I heard voices around me when I woke up – I saw Ming, his ma and pa standing next to me and talking, Beam was there and I didn't see Pha around.

"Hello sleepy head "Beam greeted me "How are you feeling now?" his tone was playful but his eyes were so serious, I smiled

"Better" my voice sounded so strange to me, as soon as I spoke Ming was next to me and so was his ma.

She slowly stroked my hair "Oh.. Kit" was all she could say, Ming's pa came next to my bed "Don't worry son, no one will lay a finger on you or your mom starting now"

I just looked at them – there was no way to put my thoughts and emotions to words, his ma slowly wiped away my tears which I hadn't realised were there "You were always smiling when you see me, I never knew" she said "take care – I will visit you daily"

"Thanks" I said as the door opened, Pha, Yo and Forth were pushing in my ma in a wheelchair, I stopped talking when I saw her

"I am so sorry Kit, sorry for not protecting you all these year" she broke down and started crying.

I so wanted to hold her and say – it's okay, its over – we can start over, thanks to my friends but I couldn't move at all – nor say a word.

"Never again" she seemed more resolved now "Never again – I will protect you with all my might like a mother should. Sorry you got me for a mom – of all people" she rambled on.

Ming's ma put a hand around her "He grew up strong for you, he grew up kind because of you – you took action now, it is never too late – you protected when he was a kid, you did your best" she said.

Such kind words – I could not help but wonder at Ming's ma, while my ma just hugged her and cried. I looked around – Ming was sitting on my cot holding my hands, with his pa standing next to him with hands on his shoulder.

Beam was on my bedside, where Forth had joined him silently, while Pha stood behind our mom's, with his hands wrapped around Yo.

I felt blessed at that moment, I had so many good people around me – I thanked god for them.

It has been 2 weeks since I woke up in the hospital – My ma stayed with me every day – while Ming was not in class he was here.

Pha and Beam took turns to stay and let me know what happened that day – it was like I never missed a class.

I was gaining back my health pretty fast, and Ming's parents are going back home today. They were in the hospital to wish me luck.

"Take care Kit" Ming's mom told me and then she turned to my ma "I am only a call away – do not hesitate if you need anything. I know it's hard but you are handling it well. Lawyer will be in touch with you tomorrow"

While our mom's were talking, Ming's pa walked to me "You will always have a father in me – I just have 2 boys now" he smiled.

I looked up at him and smiled "Thanks to you I got to see Ming for the man he is, not the boy but the man", he sighed "I am sure you both will be happy together".

I know he meant those words, and I felt immensely content on hearing them. They all bid their goodbyes and left; it was just me and my mom in the room.

"How are you feeling Kit?" she asked me "Better mom, much.... much better" I told her.

"My divorce will be finalized this week" she sighed, I knew she loved him "I know he was rotten, I stayed with him all these year because I once knew the good and kind man he was"

"Ma, you don't have to explain" I told her.

"No, I owe it to you" she said "He was not like this – he loved you with his whole heart and was proud of your every step."

I didn't want to hear, I didn't want to understand what made my pa a monster. I closed my eyes. Looks like my ma understood.

"I am not saying what he did was right, I just hoped that I can change him – I wanted to get our family back together as how it was before that night......" she paused "But I was wrong, he had changed too much, became a monster to prove himself to his father – lost his way."

"I was too late – but now I will fight nail and tooth to keep you and your future safe" she said "I am sorry – it took me so long"

This was the first time hearing my mom speak so openly, she has changed too.

"I know" I said "But you don't have to, I am not a kid anymore as well"

"No you are not, but you lost so much because of me" she sighed "even though you were cursed with me for mom, God blessed you with wonderful friends and Boyfriend" she smiled now "I really like him and his family"

"They are perfect" I told her

"Nothing less than what you deserve" she told me "he had the nerve to punch you pa and grandpa in the face – I love him just for that" she chuckled.

I have never seen my mom so carefree, it looked like a whole weight has been lifted off her shoulder, I smiled back.

"I love him too" I sighed "and for some crazy reason he loves me back" I told her.

"He sees and understands you for perfect kid you are" she told me warmly "never sell yourself short.... that is my mistake – don't make them" she became serious again "You deserve all the good things in the world".

"Hope you mean me" I heard Ming say as he walked in.

"I will leave you guys alone" she got up "I need to check some places for us to move, I am selling that old house" she said to no one in particular as she moved out.

"I missed you" said Ming as soon as she closedthe door; bent down and kissed me full on my lips and I kissed back withnothing held back despite the swelling on my face.

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