Chapter 19

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I woke up in Ming's arms, he had me tightly wrapped with his arms and legs around me, and I can't free myself without waking him up

So I lied there, observing him – he looked so sweet and innocent when he was asleep and I cant help my smile when I saw him like that.

My heart swelled with pride and love for this guy who had whispered "take me" into my ears – who had completely trusted me at that moment.

"Love you" I said again, knowing he won't hear me, but his mouth curved into a smirk.

"Just one night with me and that is all you say to me" he said opening his eyes and then kissing me. "You are adorable when you blush"

"Stop it Ming" I said "let me go, how long have you been up"

"For a while – I didn't have the heart to let you go" he said and started kissing me again. "Want to go again? Practise makes us perfect you know" he smirked.

"Stop, I am sore all over" but I kissed him back

He laughed "you were always bad at lying to me" and he rolled on top of me.

It was heaven, in his arms – I wanted to stay there and right then my phone rang and so did his.

Sighing we both moved to see who it was, picking each of our phone

"Beam" I said and "Yes Yo" he replied, but he still didn't let me go but continued holding me.

"Okay – I will there in an hour" I promised him, and turned to Ming.

"Beam wants to meet", "Yo wants to meet" we both said at each other and then started laughing.

"We have very nosy friends" I whined "very sensible ones" he responded.

"True – I can't thank them enough for bringing you in to my life... now let's get ready." I said and got out of my bed.

"Are you okay?" Ming asked concerned

I balanced myself "Yes, I am – a little sore but good" I smiled at him and went to wash myself.

Pha and Yo were there when we walked in, Pha kept his steady eyes on me as if searching for something, and I couldn't look at him

I averted his eyes, but Ming was all smiles as he waved to Yo. We went to their table.

"Thanks Yo – you were right all along, next time I don't listen to you – just smack me in the head until I do" Ming said as he sat down.

"Just don't let there be a next time – you moron" Yo said, "you are an Idiot if you hurt Kit, and be sure – I will support him more than you"

"What?? Not fair" he said "You were my friend - my only friend" he whined "Kit has Pha and Beam, you have to be mine" he laughed now.

"He is mine" Pha put an arm around Yo possessively "Yeah Yeah" Ming mumbled "I have mine" and put his hands around me

We all just burst out laughing, when Beam and Forth joined us.

"What is so funny?" Forth asked as he sat next to Me. "Nothing... I said, these guys are just being jealous morons".

"Kit – look at me" said Beam, I turned "What?"

He studied my face just like Pha did, seriously these two will be the death of me. I couldn't help but blush

"Nothing – glad that you are okay" he said but he winked at me and then roared with laughter.

"Guys, let me in" complained Forth

"If you can't understand – then you are at the wrong table" responded Pha before Beam could.... which earned him a punch on shoulders from Beam.

"Give him a break will you?" said Beam, and he sat closer to Forth "Just observe Kit, you will see that he is glowing and if you still can't figure out, then maybe Pha is right"

"What?" Forth then turned to me and then started laughing as he realized. "Congrats Ming" he said patting down on Ming's shoulder behind me.

"Don't you guys want to eat or not? My Yo is hungry and from the looks of it so is Kit" Pha said "though I doubt they will serve what he is hungry for here" he teased

"Shut it Pha" I said and it was now Ming's turn to blush.

We had our lunch, Pha said, "guys you carry on - I need Kit and Beam, to discuss on an assignment" he then turned to me and Beam "come on guys, hurry up"

"What?" both of us asked in unison, and look on Forth and Ming registered surprise while Yo's was full of disapproval.

"Okay" Beam stood up "Come on Kitty" he said with an evil smile on his face, Uhh... this is not going to be good as i got up.

we were alone when Pha asked me "So you are no longer the only virgin in our gang?"  with a smile, he can be a pain in the ass when he wants to be.

"Shut it" i barked back , feeling embarrassed "You did, din't you" howled Beam "Are you okay?".

"Well, I am  - cant you see" i  responded without making eye contact. 

"You know what we are asking" said Pha in a serious tone "it is just that we are concerned"

"Yes, I know - and my reply to you guys is I am... honestly" 

"Okay - that is all we needed to know" he said "let's go back to faculty" he said 

 I said the guys  that I am taking off for today and was going to sleep, they just nodded with a smirk and decided to drop me off before they went to the class.

I came to my room to find Ming in shower, i went to our bed and collapsed.

I was exhausted both physically and emotionally, the last few months have been a roller coaster. Too many ups and downs for anyone to process, and there had been only one constant throughout.

My love for Ming and his for me

"What" he asked me as he stepped after changing into his shorts.

"I am thinking, if I ever thanked you" I asked him

"Why stupid" he asked me puzzled

"For coming in my life, for never giving up on me" I said "stop it, I love you, what else would I do?" he interrupted.

"No, am really thankful – for not giving up on me when I was only pushing you away" I said "for all these years"

"I never really knew when I fell in love with you, but all throughout my crazy teen years – you have been the only constant" Ming said

"I never really knew what it was or acted on it, but I have always loved you" he came closer now and kissed me.

"I love you, now and forever" I promised him andkissed him back.    

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