Chapter 4

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"There is something different" said Beam as soon as he saw me.

Pha and I were in my room catching up and having returned just in the morning, Beam was going to join us for lunch after unpacking. "What" both Pha and I asked, not sure what Beam was talking about.

"Pha – you are glowing, which am sure Yo has something to do with" he paused while Pha surprised us with a sweet blush

He turned to me "you – am not able to point out exactly" he said. "Non-sense" I told him back, "but you are right about Pha , if you think he is glowing you should see Yo" I elbowed him.

"What's with you? How was your trip?" I asked him "Na, just the same – I ate and slept for the whole two weeks" he answered "Oh really, you never once met with Forth?" it is my turn now to tease him back, Beam sighed "No – he had to travel out too"

"You better be sighing about me" came Forth calling out, and Beam's reaction instantly changed "Why would I?" he tried to sound irritated, but he looked so cute with his reaction I couldn't help laughing "Shut Up" he barked at me, which made me and Pha laugh even more.

It was good to be with my friends. I was a bit worried when Beam pointed out, he was always the first to note any subtle changes in me always, but he has never forced or pushed me to answer unless it is needed.

"Where is Yo, did you talk to Ming?" Pha asked annoyed.

"Can't you wait even 10 minutes" I said "they are on the way – and why do I have to ask Ming, ask Yo directly" I told him.

"KITTTT" I heard Ming's voice so loud across the corridor I stopped in the middle, this kid is hell bent on embarrassing me in public, "Don't yell Ming" I replied "Just come here quietly" , everyone else zoned out of my focus when I saw him, and he came straight to me gave me a hug, and then held one of my hand, wrapping his other hand around me.

I was so used to this I didn't realise what is happening until Beam looked at us funny

"So that's new" he smirked "Did you make him yours Ming?" he asked.

I could so punch Beam now, but Ming didn't miss a beat "He has always been mine" he said with his usual goofy smile, I couldn't love him more and Beam just laughed.

Ming gave his greetings to both Pha and Forth, but never let my hands go the entire time.

We had out lunch bantering, and then we had to go to the medical facility to get out schedules. Pha, Beam and I said our byes to other three and went to the admin building

"Shit, I will never get time to myself" I moaned, so did Pha and Beam – our schedules looked so crazy that I was sure it was going to be hard to match Ming's.

Looks like my friends were worried about similar thing, we can adjust if we sign-up for different professors, but we decided to take all classes together, somehow us taking the classes individually didn't make sense to any one of us.

We were now sitting on our usual bench, it was just the three of us and it was Pha who started the conversation this time "Kit, You do look different" he said after silently observing for some time.

"Not you too... come one" I whined "No really, there is something serious in your eyes but you look happy. Less grumpy than I have ever seen you, if I put it correctly" he smiled "I am just glad".

What – I was dumbstruck, is that what I looked on the outside – the guilt and fear has been eating me up on the inside, but yeah when I see Ming – all that vanishes may be I am happy "Er... Pha?" was all I can answer.

Pha just moved on "So this semesters the classes are going to be a whole lot tougher – you two morons better do what I say if you need my help" he said with a serious face.

"Yes Boss, whatever you say Boss" replied Beam standing in attention and saluting towards Pha, we just laughed out.

"Are you going with Ming?" Beam then asked me.

"Yes, I am going to drop me – say my greeting to his parents and return today itself so that I can be well rested for classes on Monday I replied. "He stayed back with me this whole time, his ma must be missing him" I said.

Pha quickly looked up from his phone, "he stayed back with you? When did you guys come back – I just assumed you guys came yesterday. What am I missing?" he asked non-stop.

"Nothing much, I didn't go home and Ming stayed with me. That's all" I didn't want to think about what had happened, and may be it showed on my face which my friends are very good at reading - they looked at each other and didn't ask further.

I went straight to Ming's apartment to pick him up, I was shocked to see the room pretty much empty except for basic furniture.

"What is happening Ming?" I asked him surprised.

"I am vacating this room" he replied coolly.

I was completely shocked "Vacating?" there were a million questions in my head but I was not able to frame one at the moment.

"Yeah, I asked for Yo's help and his parents sent some people so we were able to pack things up fast".

"Why did you not tell me this, I thought you were going to your parents house for a week, but you are vacating??" I still could not understand what is he planning to do.

"Yes I am going to me parents place now, but am actually moving out from here as well" he said casually.

I had to try hard to control my emotions anger, frustration was rising up but more than that fear of him leaving was overwhelming... I was silent for a minute and then asked "where are you moving?"

He came close to me, and I took a step back but he stopped me by holding me in place, bent down a bit looking me in the eye "Where else, to your room of course" he said with a smirk.

"It's getting late let's go" he said and walked towards my car without waiting for a reply.

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