Chapter 10

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The next morning Adira wakes to find a shirtless Kalmin watching out the window with his back turned to her. She's still groggy from sleep but soon her eyes adjust and she takes time to observe the sight before her.

Broad shoulders hold perfectly carved muscles that ripple throughout his back, his traps look as if they were carved by God himself and the back view of his tense triceps look like they are made of stone. Triceps etched of the finest muscle.

All Adira ever saw Kalmin in was his black trench coat or a black T-shirt. He was as mysterious and rebellious as a problematic teenager. The darkness owns no light. In Magnar's manor all he ever used to be was a wisp of black in her peripheral vision , mystery encased him, trouble followed him, rebellion ruled him.

He was quite literally the black sheep of the family, he steered away from the herd but he somehow found himself within that loss of guidance. The two were so drastically different but at the same time he was like a breath of fresh air to Adira.

He turned around suddenly and Adira closed her eyes quicker than she thought was humanly possible. Too embarrassed to know that she actually stared at him the entire time admiring his clean cuts. She tried her best to get her heartbeat back down to normal but as she heard him move, calming herself down seemed harder than she thought.

Hearing his footsteps around the room kicked her heartbeat into action. She could not see anything and yet, she wanted to see everything.

It seemed as though the footsteps stopped for a second, maybe he left the room she thought, or maybe he paid no mind to her fake act of sleeping.

Until she felt the bed dip and a hand brush her face. A part of her died in that moment, the raw, gut wrenching feeling of anxiety pulled at her every fiber making her tremble underneath the covers.

Finally her eyes shot open and connected with curious dark blue orbs. She shivered as his hand grazed her neck, it was soft and gentle but firm and manly at the same time it was a surprising and comforting blend.

She observed his features with bright honey eyes, he was handsome, his dark curly hair framed his face in a way that exuded youth but the slight stubble for a beard and wise eyes showed the maturity he held.

"You say you cannot be hurt easily, Adira. That may be true." He paused, "but you cannot hide your emotions from me."

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