Chapter 9

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In that moment everything stops, time slows and the noise in the room goes quiet again. It's just for a second though, but still painstakingly long enough to build anxiety and annoyance within my body. The brothers and I turn to see Kalmin, red in the face storming towards us or more specifically, me.

His boots make heavy thumps on the wooden floor and his pace quickens.

Thump thump thump.

"Adira!" he calls again, the anger in his voice reverberates through the air almost causing everything to shake, a dark thunderous storm rushes in. As he nears my shoulders square and I stand taller, pushing my chin higher I face him as he is only feet away.


Pointing a finger in my direction he motions for me to come over to where he stood. I stand my ground completely obstinate to his 'commands'.

"Adira, come here I need to talk with you, now." He says stepping closer a hand going out to grasp me. Lucas intervenes, stepping between him and I, giving Kalmin a warning glare.

"Remove yourself Lucas, I have no problems with you." Kalmin speaks his voice projecting outwards into a world wind of warning and threat.

"You are not to touch her Kalmin. As for me, you wouldn't dare to try, not in my own house you have been brought up better, you know the consequences."

His eyes turn a darker shade of blue, almost to the shade you would find in some of the deepest parts of the ocean, but not totally black. 

"What do you have to say to me Kalmin?" I say with a bored expression.

"I would like to speak with you in private please." he replies agitated, having to ask permission from someone like myself, must be hard for him, the rebellious soul that he is.

"In that case then, might we show you to your room. You can speak privately there."

I swivel around to face Nicholas, the one who just spoke. I ensure that confusion and questioning has settled on my face. They however, take no heed and lead us upstairs.

Everything is wooden, shaped and crafted, self sufficient. The brothers must have spent time crafting those items. Once we are shown to our room Kalmin closes the door and locks it.

I hear the click of the lock but do not bother to turn around and question his actions but instead continue to inspect the two beds we are expected to sleep on.

I hear his footsteps near me before I smell his scent. A manly musk fills my nose, infiltrating the scent of melting snow and newly sprouting trees and plants.

"Adira, we need to talk about you and your behaviour. I will not tolerate blatant disrespect. I am still your elder."

"And I am still a Lord." I turn around facing him with the most arrogance I can muster.

His eyes flash with anger as he glares at me.

"And I do not care. If I am to get you to Canada, you will follow my orders, my rules and I will not tolerate your stubbornness and ignorance."

"Then why are we not in Canada? Why are we staying here? With the Northern brothers?" I ask trying to keep my temper from boiling too hot.

"We cannot go to Canada right away. The search for you is still on and even more so now that they know I am with you."

I sigh, I'm furious absolutely furious. I feel like there is something I am to know but don't. I feel left in the dark.

"Kalmin, I do not know why, or what or who, but I just want to know what the significance of myself is. Why am I being clambered over by so many different societies?"

Hesitance, blasted hesitance. He shares no information with me. I am still left in the dark.

"It is late Adira, you look tired, you need rest." he says turning away from me.

"Lies." I whisper under my breath as I start to take off my jacket.

He freezes and slowly starts to turn around. Pupils dilate, eyes darken, breathing becomes shallower. Slow steps towards me, like an animal stalking its next meal.

"Kalmin." I warn planting my feet into the floor. 

He nears, I step back.

Silence follows as he backs me up into a wall. His breath fanning across my face, his scent invades my nostrils again I'm losing focus with the sudden influx of him.

His hand shoots up to grab my chin tightly in his hand, I try not to flinch away but the warmness of his hand makes me feel a little more comfortable.

Strands of black tendrils float down from his face and rests gently on his forehead almost covering his left eye providing an ominous curtain.

"I am not my brother Adira. I'm not manipulative or cruel, nor am I scared of you as he is, but be aware that I can be a beast.  I am not afraid to take those steps with you because you will see a less appealing side of me. You do not know me Adira. Do not push my kindness or tolerance and mistake them for weakness."

"I cannot be hurt easily Kalmin, you do not know me. You can try all you want but I will still be here, smiling and laughing at your failure, scrutinizing your success and pushing your worst buttons." I sneer.

His oceanic eyes search my face as I keep smiling. He smiles too, but it isn't the reason I smile he is cooking up a plan in his head. How can he destroy me? I wonder if he sees the sparks in my eyes? Does he know the beast truly inside?

He turns around and walks out the room closing the door gently as if nothing ever happened. He walked out because he needed space or to clear his head or because he was just simply incompetent in his efforts of trying to get a good grip on me.

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