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You said you didn't like what you say in the mirror, so you stopped looking in it.
You said when you looked into my eyes, and my words, and my voice. That you liked what you saw.
Loved it even.
I told you I just reflected what I saw: You.
You liked that. You really liked that. So you used my eyes, and voice, and words as your mirror.
I didn't care, I thought I loved you.
When I stopped loving you, and you didn't like your mirror anymore. You stopped looking in it, again.
I scared myself when I realized, that didn't hurt because when I looked into your eyes, and your voice, and your words. I didn't see someone I liked.


You know, lovey-dovey shit lol. One day I'm going to get in trouble for cussing in this site. Meh, screw it. :)

Kisses <3

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