Would it scare you to let your monster out?
Let everyone see who you truly are inside?
Maybe you're what everyone perceived,
The cookie-cutter person,
Normal by all definitions of the word
If that's so,
Show us your secrets,
Bear your soul to us,
Tell us everything about you,
Every thought that dwells in the dark,
Every ludacris feelings
Every hidden emotion,
Show us the things that you hide and protect with your every being,
Give us a new definition to naughty,
Oh, am I getting too personal?
I'm sorry, I forgot you're the one that should be making us uncomfortable,
Making people squirm from your confessions,
Everyone has them,
Don't be ashamed,
Remember, living a facade is so tiring,
Why don't you let yourself rest easy,
Tell us the secrets,
Tell us the truth.***
So that sounded a lot more perverse than I intended. Sorry not sorry.
Kisses <3

Shit Happens
PuisiThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...