You blamed your actions on anger issues,
Saying you couldn't care because your too mad all the time,
But that's an explanation,
So stop using it as an excuse,
Stop blaming everything on everyone else,
And take responsibility,
Stop covering your problems with jokes and loud laughs,
Feel the pain of your parents,
Feel all those things you're scared to feel,
But for the love of god let yourself feel something other than burning anger,
Do you want to know why you're always fighting with your parents?
Because nothing's ever your fault,
It's always someone else's,
But we're tired of taking the blame for you,
There are only so many punches we can take,
Before it becomes too much,
So get your shit together,
Wake up and smell the f'ing coffee,
Your excuses are getting old fast,
Stop hiding behind something that's never even been diagnosed,
Because we just met our limit,
When will you meet yours?***
Friends are amazing (dripping with sarcasm, eye roll thing people do)

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...