Choose one word to describe your whole life from the time you were able to comprehend what was going on, to this instant
Just one word,
What would it be?
Now think, how much have you actually just described?
A day?
A month?
Maybe a year?
I couldn't even do that with an hour,
Much less a day or a year,
Because our lives are made up of so much more than despair and happiness and ugliness and beauty and miracles and tragedies,
Yes, they are all those things, but they are also everything in between,
They are beautifully tragic and tragically beautiful miraculously amazing and amazingly miraculous,
Do not let your life be cut and folded into tiny little boxes to fit into a stereotype that you to deem correct,
Do not let someone chalk your life up to sentences or even paragraphs,
Do not let someone else have that power,
Do not let your lives masquerade as one-word answers when they are infinite libraries,
So the next time you say the only word you can use to describe your life is ugliness or perfection or miracles or tragedies think about how much you actually just summed up,
Think about it,
Then write your paragraphs then fill your libraries,
Be beautifully terrible and terrible beautiful be amazingly sad and sadly amazing be exponentially happy and happily exponential,
Don't let your life be cut and fold it into those horrible little boxes we call one-word answers,
Just don't,
I beg of you,
Just don't.***
My friend was talking a mile a minute to say and somehow that led me to write this. I don't know.Amazing kisses <3

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...