When I Am Underwater

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When I went underwater for the first time after cutting and not having my hearing aids on for more than five minutes, I smiled,
When I am underwater I am blind deaf and mute,
When I am underwater I am what everyone thinks I should be,
When I am underwater I don't ever think about not coming up for air,
When I am underwater I dream of growing a tail and the ability to breath without air,
When I am underwater I am not the girl that is a mistake,
When I am underwater I can't feel tears falling down my cheeks,
When I am underwater I can't hear the doctor tell me I'm going deaf,
When I am underwater I am not the 13-year-old girl that had to deal with something her friends didn't understand,
When I am underwater I am the person I want to be.


Does anyone think like this when there underwater and they can't see underwater?

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