Sorry if I pissed someone off, not like anyone's reading this shit.
Why oh why do I torture myself with your messages,
We used to be friends,
You remember that?
I look at my phone and sigh in relief when it's not you,
Where did we stop being friends and you became the bully you swore never to be,
To me at least,
We used to be friends then you got scared I wanted something more,
You started calling me queer,
Rumors about me liking this girl or that one,
Only things you would know started going around,
I texted you one night, remember that?
I wanted to tell you I only saw you as a friend,
That I didn't want to lose you,
Of course, you never let me get that far,
I started with something stupid like "hi"
You called me sooooo original,
I took it as a joke and agreed,
I asked if we were okay,
The typing bubble popped up,
You act like you wrote a paragraph,
All I got was a sentence,
"There was never a us, lesbo",
I found it so funny you told me that when I remember that night at that party, you remember that?
You drank so much, damn did you drink, I offered to take you home,
You smiled and took me by the hand,
I always liked your smile,
When we got to an empty room you sat me down, sitting on my lap,
I told you I really didn't like you like that,
You laughed,
I always like your laugh,
Then you looked into my eyes,
I never liked my eyes,
I didn't see you lean in until I tasted your lips,
Tequila and orange juice,
Something you never drank again,
After that one night at that party that we never spoke of,
Did you want a repeat of it as bad as me?
I don't think I'm the only queer in this relationship, lesbo,
And remember I know which girl you like, but does your boyfriend?***
Has this ever happened to you? Maybe it's different because of lesbainess and all, but have you ever lost a friend because they didn't know how to handle something? Also, I've been thinking of posting a story I've been working on for a little bit, by a little bit I mean two years oops. anyways comment vote whatever

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...