Have you ever wanted to do something just different?
After you come home from the same school, the same job or the same whatever don't you just want to change things?
Do you want to go roam the Neighborhood in the middle night when it feels like the whole world's asleep?
Skip work that day and go smoke weed or something?
Go off your path that you've carved for yourself,
Just for one day, just to know you're not the robot you think you are,
People call it spiraling out of control, I call it a craving for life.***
I've been feeling restless lately.

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...