The first question everyone asks after they learn I have hearing aids,
Is if its from listing to music too loud,
As if it's my fault that I'm losing my hearing,
As if I wanted this,
I always have to respond politely, though,
God forbid I have emotions,
So I will be forced to say:
"No, Ma'am,
My hearing is declining for reasons unknown,
And I may never know those reasons",
That kills me enough,
So when you look down on me because of Your assumptions,
It doesn't kill me,
It makes me want to die,
But maybe I'm putting too much stock into your words,
They shouldn't faze me, right?
Well they do,
Because those assumptions are not just assumptions,
They are threats to my sanity,
They are attacks on one of the only forms of escape I have,
Those assumptions turn into actions,
Actions that take my earphones away,
Actions that take my one minute from reality away,
Because I know all those problem are still there,
I know there are only so many times you can hit the volume button before it wont turn up anymore,
But you taking away that one last second,
That one last minute,
That one last song,
I have away from reality,
That's just so cruel,
So yes,
I put stock in people's assumptions,
Because tiny words don't scare me,
Terrible actions do.***
I met another ignorant asshole yesterday. And it just pissed me off because this person was supposed to be family and they didn't even care that it was at a funeral. They were still ever curious about my hearing aids. Like stfu.
Kisses <3

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...