Prevention is B.S,
Taking away the doors from your son or daughter in the name of "help", is B.S,
Stripping your child of their identity,
Then trying to understand them in .5 nanoseconds, is B.S,
You can't just waltz into their private life and expect them to welcome you with open arms,
You have to find that one thing,
That one book,
Or joke,
Or hobbies,
You have to find that one thing that will get them to open up,
And then you talk to them,
You have your "heart-to-heart",
But you don't pry,
You don't scrape the doors to your kids trust open with no regard for what you might find out,
You talk with them,
Then you wait,
You wait for a week,
And that week will be hell,
And perhaps you'll know how they feel,
Grasping on to scraps of affection so tightly the people that provide it always end up leaving,
Maybe after that week you will know why they did what they did,
And if you don't,
Then you do it again,
And again,
And again,
And again,
Until you see those scars on their skin, or marks on their chest, or rope burns on their necks,
And you do not say "I don't understand",
And you don't make them feel like the freak everyone else has convinced them they are,
Until you can look at their battle wounds,
And refusal letters to the afterlife signed by the grim reaper himself,
Until you can look them straight in the eye after they have beared there everything to you,
And try to understand,
Until you can do all this,
You will keep repeating that week of hell,
And prevention will remain a laughable facade,
To both you and your child,
Because saying you will fix them like there a broken record,
Does not help,
Making them feel like an outsider in one of the only places made for them to feel safe,
Will not help,
But if you through this week of hell,
They will know you want to help,
They will know.***
I finally got around to finishing Thirteen Reasons Why (I know I know) and it kinda pissed me off because some of the scenes are actually kinda down to earth, and all these bored soccer moms were getting mad at it? Watch the show and read the book before you ban it or nock it off the shelf.
Kisses <3

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...