Our "relationship" for lack of a better word,
Was futile,
I wanted to escape from my thoughts,
You supplied me with that,
All I wanted was pleasure,
You granted me that,
The quickening of the heart?
You were the only one to receive that,
That racing of the pulse?
You perceived that, not me,
When we stopped talking,
No feelings were terminated,
Because they were non-existent in the first place,
Do not delude yourself into thinking otherwise,
You were stupid to like me,
But you are not stupid in general,
You knew a distraction is what we started as,
And a distraction is what we would end as,
I'm sorry I could not amuse your little fantasy,
I told you, you were going to get tired of me,
You always hated when I was right.***
Friends with benefits relationships are fun, until someone catches feelings.Kisses <3

Shit Happens
PoesíaThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...