If Only, If Only

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If only, if only I could tell you the midnight thoughts that are in my head,
If only, if only you would tell me what you would say if you knew what I was saying in my head,
If only, if only she saw my tears as I say I'm okay,
If only, if only my mask wasn't that good,
If only, if only they would stop saying they love me when their actions scream, "I hate you",
If only, if only Life would give me answers instead of just a better mask,
If only, if only innocence was not so carelessly stolen away from children in a whisper of a word of the bang of a gun,
If only, if only we realize that we either crave or despise death,
If only, if only people would admit they break and cry and they can be broken, for if this never happens where do we stop surviving and start living?
If only, if only people would find out there is a difference between living and surviving,
If only, if only I would stop thinking the story's I make will make a difference, for one day we'll all be oblivion,
If only, if only the woodpecker sighed.


If only if only the woodpecker sighed, does anyone know that reference?

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