Silence is what is to be expected,
Take it with a pinch of salt, smile and say thank you.
Take the punches in the face, the knives in the back, and the scarves made to hide those ugly ugly bruises.
Pretty is what is to be expected.
Only perfection is beauty.
If those knives make scars, you cover them,
If the scarf is fraid, find a newer one
If your concealer doesn't stay on all day, get a better one.
Submission is what is to be expected,
Don't look in their eyes,
When they call that scarf pretty, smile and say thank you.
Let them use you and throw you away like the toy they made you think you are.
Hate is what is to be expected,
Never let it shine in your eyes though.
Cover it with a smile and a fake light,
A light that was taken away so long ago,
Fear is what is to be expected,
But only at certain times,
When there touching you, don't let it show,
As that last slap in the face comes, don't let it flash in your eyes,
Happiness is what is to be expected.
Laugh like it wasn't forced up your throat.
Gossip with those people like you know they're not going to use it against you.
Smile, say thank you. Never let fear show. Don't hate. Be pretty. Don't forget submission. Happiness is all that is allowed.
These are the do's and the don'ts and the ever loving fucking dears.
Now all you have to do is repeat them to your child with a smile on your face, and a laugh in your voice, and a scarf on your neck, and all those knives in your back, and all those bruises perfectly covered.
Welcome to society.

Shit Happens
PoetryThis is for anyone that can't put there thoughts and feelings into words. Whether it be at your best, worst, most beautiful, or most tragic times. These poems will remind you of them. Or so I hope. Because I mean Shit Happens. What you should expe...