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"I hate this." millie whispered to herself before wrapping her fingers against her backpack strap and tightening it to fit her perfectly. "i hate this stupid tedious and uneventful town." she said, flushing a bright red, fueled with something stronger than anger. she walked into the main office, she asked the secretary for her schedule and made her departure.

as she walked along the monotone hallway with basic boring clique jocks and techies, she instantly looked down to her schedule, looking for her locker number. and once she had found it, she dashed there as fast as she could. "she opened her locker only for it to be smacked close by an infamous short haired girl, "the  names lilia." she smiled, "I can tell you're new here." she chuckled.

and for once, millie had actually found a friend. she seemed like someone who can understand millie and her infamous ways of getting in trouble. she seemed like a trouble maker herself. "wanna roll with us?" she asked, popping her pink bubblegum.

millie shyly nodded, which is uncommon. "yeah, I'm cool with that." millie answered, not letting too much of her headache get in the way of a conversation with a hopeful new best friend. lilia smirked, "you can meet my posse. I'll see you at lunch short-stack."

"you know, my names actually millie." millie chuckled, "I know, but even though you're preferably tall, to me, you're a short-stack." she winked and walked away with a powerful strut, making boys all over turn around to look at her ass. "boys." millie muttered, rolling her eyes and going back to her locker.

as lunch rolled around, millie could see lilia walking into the plain cafeteria and sitting down next to what seemed to be her friends. they looked older than her, which was obvious, hence the fact that they're seniors. millie began walking towards the entrance when she got a sudden tightness to her chest, like if someone was clenching her heart, like if she couldn't breathe, like if she wanted to run, leave, bolt. she needed to get the hell away from here, she needed peace and quiet. she wanted to be home.

she darted out the doors and into an alley in front of a field, it seemed private enough. she stopped and fell to the ground, clenching her shirt, wanting to breathe. a small tear falling from the corner of her eye, god, she missed the sound of birds waking her up back in england, she missed the fresh smell of coffee that her dad would make. oh her dad, she missed him the most, no matter all the mistakes he had made. so she took deep breaths, one two three breathe one two three breathe one two three breathe one two three breathe. breathe, breathe, breath. "all better now, you're all better now." she told herself.

"I doubt you're all better." he stated, making millie look up. dark brown hair, a curly mess. eyes that were covered by a pair of black sunglasses, cool ones. pale skin and visible freckles, pinky lips. grey t-shirt and a black leather bomber jacket. a glowing complexion. gorgeous indeed.

he didn't even bother to think twice before leaning down and sitting next to her. he didn't mind accompanying a stranger, all he cared about was making sure that this new face, this pretty new face, was okay. she was so intriguing, and he knew that something about her was different from all the other unoriginal and problematic girls at this school in this unimaginative town, just by looking at her. god, she was so incredibly and admirably beautiful. it was somehow driving him insane already, and he had only said five words to her so far. but he sure was dying to say more, "I don't care what idiotic people say about anxiety. 'it's not a disorder ' 'it's nothing serious' they're wrong. panic attacks hurt like a hell." he said.

millie, whose eyes were now as wide as can be, managed to blink. "who are you again?" she asked the boy, raising her tiny hands up against her face to clean off the remaining tears. "I'm finn wolfhard." he smiled, lifting his pale hand up towards her for a well handshake.

millie obliged and shook it, "I'm millie bobby brown." she bit her lip. she watched him turn forward as his finger slipped under his glasses, pulling them off, revealing those eyes. he looked over at her, fully, and smiled. millie didn't even realize she was actually staring, she didn't care, he was everything a perfect boy should be. his eyes told a story, one she didn't understand and one she wasn't planning on asking him about anytime soon. pain, hurt, hatred, loss, anxiety, love—that was all in his eyes, and only an ever so pure part of them had remained that exactly, pure.

"people say it's weird when two people gaze at each other the first time they meet but here we are, doing that exact same thing." he chuckles. millie smiles—first love, love at first sight—she doesn't believe in any of it, or well.. "I suppose we're different from everyone else." millie giggles, "why'd you come out here? what's your excuse for wanting to be alone?"

finn fixed his sitting position into a more balanced and comfortable one, "I don't know, I usually come out here whenever my head is telling me to, I guess today was one of those days." he states, "weird huh?" millie nods rapidly, "yeah, yeah," she looks down and begins to play with her hands, "so weird and peculiar."

"what do you know about lilia buckingham? she asked me to sit with her for lunch but she's older than me right?" millie asked finn.

"yeah she's a senior, it doesn't change the fact that she won't stop until you're her friend. when she sees someone, and she likes them, she will do anything to become close to them. she's headstrong, not stubborn. you'd be lucky to be her friend. I used to carpool with her when I was in elementary." he laughed, "she was a real bug bully to me back then, in a nice way i mean, it was all teasing. "is that why you got the panic attack?"

"no, no" millie shook her head to the sides and then looked up at him, "I don't know. all i know is that i don't even want to be here, I want to go back home–"

"england i'm guessing." finn implied, millie nodded. "well, to get your mind off it, I can take you somewhere." he wiggled his eyebrows. "for all i know, you could be a serial killer." millie chuckled, "so can you," finn answered back, "but you don't see that stopping me."

"fine, but we come back the moment i say i want to come back, got it?" a commanding millie states. "got it mills." he winks, helping her stand up. millie smirked as she heard the adorable nickname, and blushed by just feeling his cold hands holding her warm ones. it was a good combination.

sort of a short chapter because I'm barely introducing everything. GUYS THE NEXT CHAPTER IS PRETTY COOL, I PUT A SHIT TON OF EFFORT INTO IT SO WHOOPIE. ok cool thanks for reading ly

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