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millie looked at her reflection one last time before hearing the sound of an engine stop in front of her house with a small honk following. she smiled, she was wearing a black coat and a black beanie with two black pom poms on the top sides, almost as if they were little ears. she was wearing some dark blue jeans, a white and black striped sweater, and a pair of black ankle boots. she smiled one last time before dashing out of the house and running inside of the warm car.

it had been one week since millie and finn had been at the old junkyard, one week since millie found out that finn had begun to smoke and drink, one week since their friendship was ruined once again by her fault. "hey jacob." millie grinned, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "hey mills." he blushed a light pink before taking off again.

somethings happened throughout that one week. finn and millie had constant stare downs during most of their periods together. sadie had made jacob and millie confess their feelings for each other. sadie was looking for someone to get back at how quickly caleb was to move on from her onto someone else. and jacob had ever so kindly asked millie out on a first date. they had decided to go to a coffee shop and just chit chat.

the date was almost over though, and millie was dying to ask him one particular question. "what are we, jacob? we were best friends, and now we're best friends who like each other." she said, leaning forward. jacob nodded and grabbed her hand, "whatever you want us to be millie, thats what we are."

"I should have known you were going to say that, everyone always says that." millie chuckled and rolled her eyes. "let's just cut the crap. you like me, i like you, why are we making things so complicated–"

she was cut off by a quivering pair of lips kissing her own lips for two seconds, she didn't get the chance to kiss back because he had already pulled away. she was shocked by his actions and you could tell by how red he was, he was extremely nervous. millie's cheeks flushed dark pink before she smiled and sipped her coffee. "it's getting late, I should take you home." he stated, grabbing her coat from the seat and draping it over her shoulders.

as the car ride contained a peaceful silence, they had finally arrived at millie's house. she smiled before kissing his cheek goodbye and rushed out of the car, "goodnight, today was great." she complimented him.

she ran up her large wooden front porch before opening and closing the front door behind her. she breathed heavily, a small smile still present in her face. she put her bag dow and took of her beanie, placing it on top of the kitchen counter. the sound of doorbell ringing startled millie, she put her hand against her chest and sighed.

she walked over to the door and opened it, only to see someone she never thought she would see. she got outside and closed the door behind her. he was looking forward, trying to avoid any eye contact with millie, but that was enough.

with a blink of an eye, a cold breeze flew by them, making them want to feel the warmth that they could bring to each other. finn couldn't take it anymore, he would see her and his heart would stop, his heart would tell him to stop thinking and to just go for it. but finn knew better, he always knew better than to listen to his heart. his head was always right, except for tonight, where he didn't listen, and he did the thing he had been meaning to do since the moment destiny and possibly even fate had brought them together.

head against heart, who will win?

it took everything in him to not do it, but that wasn't enough. he turned around and before she could even say a word he held her face close to his before diving in for a kiss, a kiss that warmed the both of them up, a kiss that brightened the sky in ways it had never been, even though it was night. she slowly felt herself melt into the kiss, the incredibly desired kiss that was happening at the moment, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, a new feeling, a good feeling, taking over them.

millie's breath hitched as she opened the door and pulled him in, basically dragging him into her bedroom, a rushing feeling of adrenaline brushing against her veins, she smiled against the kiss before she helped him remove his coat just like he did hers.

as they cautiously laid down on her bed, she had moved her hair away from the right side of her neck and she instantly shut her eyes. she had been longing for his touch for many months, and he was here, ready to fulfil all of her pleasing desires. her insides craved his touch. she craved his touch. As soon as his plump lips imprinted on her neck, she had lost all rational thought, she was just so consumed at the thought of him and her showing their ever growing love for each other. she was amazed at how one touch of his lips could hitch her breath.

and after they were done with their passionate and lovely kisses, they just stared at each other as if they were having a silent conversation. he reached his hand up to her face before removing a piece of loose hair and tucked it behind her ear. he pecked her fragile and gentle lips one last time before sitting up. millie smiled as she gazed at him, "you might have just made me the happiest girl in this planet, wolfhard."

he looked down and chuckled, his cheeks turning into a blush color. "I'm sorry I just barged in out of nowhere and kissed you." he stated, playing with her feelings, "I heard you had a date today and it crushed me so the first thing I wanted to do was come and talk to you about how i felt but then I ended up kissing you." he rambled, millie shot up from her bed, implanting a small peck on his cheek. "it's alright finn, I'm happy you came."

the heart won.

happy almost friday YO

guys i have a MAJOR problem, okay so:

i have a boyfriend right, but lately it's been really weird and he's starting to get touchy and that makes me sort of uncomfortable and idk what to do but in the other hand..

my best friend, he's been my best friend forever, he was listening to my problems like he usually does in lunch and he just stated that maybe the honeymoon phase is over and i guess it sort of makes sense, idk.

i also started catching feelings for my best friend about a week ago or so and he just got his heart broken a few days ago and so we're both really confused and he muttered something today during biology thinking i wasn't listening but i was and he said, "i just can't get you out of my mind" and i said what and he shook his head as his face flushed red and just said that it was nothing. and then he just kept on staring at me the entire class and I DONT KNOW HOW I FEEL.

because, you know how you feel when you just fit perfectly with someone? like when you hold hands with them, you're hand just slides right in and it doesn't feel uncomfortable. or how when you hug that person it just feels natural and like your bodies just wrap perfectly together. thats how I feel with him, and I don't know what to do anymore.

leave tips or advice IDK LOL.

I just finished writing the last chapter to this story which will be going up on sunday or monday, you'll see. it's cool.

anyways fillie finally happened, lol yay.

if you've mad it this far then thats cool!!

go check out my new fillie book: For You. now that I'm almost done publishing this story, that means that I can post more updates on that one.

much love!!

, mac

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