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"I don't know lilia, I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear to these type of things." maddie grunted, laying down on millie's bed. "look up cute dress stores around the area and we'll go."

"lilia, it's already too late–" "it's never too late."

"wait a minute, you guys literally never told me who asked to escort you guys? who and when?" millie furrowed her eyebrows, crossing her legs and fixing her seating position.

"jaeden asked me and jacob asked maddie, lucas is going solo as per usual." lilia answered, maddie rolling her eyes in the back, "I thought lucas was going to ask me or something, guess I was wrong." maddie stated.

as the night rolled around, millie and the girls were all ready in the living room, waiting for the boys to arrive. and then the doorbell rang, and three separate cars were parked out front, almost as if they were synchronized.

millie stood up from the velvet couch, there was something definitely flying around in her stomach, butterflies, oh how nervous she was. the boys walked in to see the three girls for the first time and it was no surprise when their jaws dropped low, those three girls were truly and utterly stunning.

it was as if finn had just woken up from an astounding dream and had just realized that it wasn't a dream. he met a girl, they talked, and it was epic, but then the sun came up and reality set in, and well this.. was the reality. he liked her so very much and this had just managed to increase it, she looked radiant. there was no need for sunlight anymore, she was as bright as can be, illuminating the world with her pretty smile and quirky laughs. she was his world.

he walked over to her, reaching his hand out to pull her closer, but not too close. "you look beautiful." he said, not regretting a single word. millie flushed a light pink and looked down, "you ready to dance?" he asked. millie nodded nervously, "I don't really know how but I'll adjust."

"lets get going." he smiled, grabbing her hand and walking out of her house confidently. he opened her door first and helped her get in without ruining her silver dress, he watched as she slid of the silver metal eye mask. he took his off as well, for he could not see with them while driving. "why'd you ask me to be your date tonight?" millie asked him, the curiosity lingering on the tip of her tongue.

"well, we've known each other for a week now, and when I asked you, we had only known each other for a day. why do you think I asked you?" finn asked, glancing at her quickly before turning his focus back onto the road.

"I don't know? cause we're friends and you trust me? you like me? you were desperate for a date? I don't know." millie replied, shrugging. and although she was scared of him agreeing with it being the last one, she knew he would never admit it, he wouldn't hurt her like that.

finn looked over at her lap, where her fingers played with each other. "yeah I like you and yeah I trust you." he reached over, slipping his fingers into hers. "but thats not even part of the reason why, millie bobby brown, there is so much more to it than that. but you're not ready for that explanation yet."

"try me."

"at the end of the night, brown, by the end of the night you'll know." he smirked, rubbing his pale thumb against her hand, softly and gently. millie felt the wheels come to a halt, finn let go of her hand and removed the keys from the ignition. "we're here, let's put on our masks on and party. you ready for this?"

millie beamed, exposing her translucent dimples. "I'm ready as can be, wolfhard." she snickered, happily walking next to the tall boy she so sincerely found adorable. "oh and wolfhard," she grabbed his hand, fumbling with his skinny fingers. "i like you too."

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