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she looked over her shoulder and watched finn drive away from her house and once she turned back she saw her mother staring right into her soul. "I'm sorry." was all millie said before dashing into the house. she put her backpack on the table and waited for her mom to come back inside. whatever speech her mom had been preparing, she completely deserved it.

and just like that, the front door was opened and shut. "what were you thinking millie? I got a call from the school informing me that my daughter was nowhere to be found in any of her periods after lunch. why do you keep on acting out millie?"

"mom I'm sorry okay, I met this guy named finn and–"

"was he the one who dropped you off?" millie nodded, "millie, this is unacceptable. you can't just ditch school everyday. whoever this boy is, he clearly influenced you into doing this. I'm going to have to tell the principal about him. this is the last time millie, the last time. I don't want you in anymore trouble, you hear me? that boy is trouble, so no more seeing him–"

"no mom, just no." millie fought back, "this boy, finn, he's different to anyone I've ever met. he understands me, he actually understands me and thats so hard to find. while i was out there with him, he was watching out for me. he's different. he welcomed me into the school with open arms and he didn't back away when i got a panic attack earlier today. he stayed, he actually stayed there with me. he's.. different. he got me through it, he helped me fight it. he took me to a place where i could let all my anger out. he's different and thats just who he is."

"he brought me home, that says a lot about him too. and i know that he's been through something, maybe it's worse or maybe its less than what we've been through but we have that in common at least. we're like two lost souls reuniting, it's weird. I feel like I've known him for the majority of my life but i only met him a few hours ago. I need him, mom, and he says he needs me too."

millie's mom pursed her lips, hearing her daughter be so poetic over a boy she had just met was intriguing. was it love at first sight? it couldn't have been, that didn't exist. "you can't already be in love with him, mills. because of how you're describing him, it sure sounds like it." but who was she to judge, she had fallen in love with millie's father when she was at that age too. love likes to play games with us, why would she want to take her daughter's chance at love away from her.

"possibly. obviously not." millie muttered, "not yet at least." millie slicked a strand of hair behind her ear. "go to sleep mills, have a nice sleep." her mother said before smiling and kissing her on her forehead.

the next day at school, millie first arrived running inside, looking for a particular boy. she searched everywhere, really, she even considered going into the boys restroom . but when she came out of the girls restroom, she was stopped by a certain short haired girl. "millie? where were you yesterday?" lilia asked, "i was waiting for you in lunch."

"yeah well, i ditched with finn–"

"wolfhard? thats kind of adorable you know." lilia smiled and grabbed millie's hand. "come on, I'm presenting you to my friends." lilia dragged millie into the gym where three people were sitting down on the bleachers, "this is lucas, jacob, and maddie." lilia said, "this is millie bobby brown, be nice." she pushed millie lightly towards them were they all embraced her in a group hug.

millie giggled and looked at all of them, they seemed so cool. "welcome to our posse millie, how are you liking this school so far." maddie asked her politely.

"so far so good." millie nodded, "everyone's been really welcoming, some people more than others." she said, her mind wondering off to finn. "listen, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm looking for my friend, I'll see you guys at lunch?"

"yeah see ya then millie bobby brown." lucas waved as he watched millie sprint out of the gym. millie sighed and continued to walk around the school until she heard a girl say finns name. she turned around and looked over at the girl with blonde hair, she was pretty. maybe an ex? "hi, I couldn't help but overhear you say someone's name, someone that I have been looking for for the past few minutes, you might know where he is perhaps?"

"finn? yeah he's out in the courtyard with jaeden and noah." she kindly smiled, "I'm iris by the way, finn's my cousin." she extended her arm towards millie, and millie sighed a sigh of relief. so she wasn't his ex, thats good. she shook her hand and thanked her quickly, mentioning her name before running off into the courtyard.

she could see him, he was sitting with two boys who she presumed were jaeden and noah. there was a red head too, her hair was ginger and it was straightened, she was extremely gorgeous. but millie wasn't going to assume anything, finn was allowed to have friends that are girls. she walked towards them and tapped finn on the shoulder. he turned around only to be met with the girl he was thinking of. "millie." he muttered. "hey."

"hi, iris told me you'd be out here." millie smiled, "introduce me?" she raised her brows. finn was almost in a trance, as if yesterday hadn't happened, like if she wasn't real. but she was real, she was so real. just one day had passed and he already felt himself falling again, she was even more beautiful today, which he thought wasn't possible.

"guys, this is millie bobby brown, the girl i mentioned earlier." finn said, still staring at millie. everyone stood up and presented themselves, "I'm sadie sink, I'm glad I'm finally meeting the girl finn is so love struck about." finn turned bright red and shut his eyes, trying to avoid millie's reaction. millie squinted her eyes and shook the girls hand, "pleasure."

"we still have a few minutes until the first bell rings. walk with me?" finn wolfhard asked, hands behind his back, his fingers toying with each other. "after all, you were looking for me." he smirked, oh how he liked to play with her.

millie scoffed and caught up to him, "I guess so, finn wolfhard." she smiled and squinted her eyes, the bright sun hitting her eyes almost as if they wanted to blind her, "my mom left me off the hook for some strange reason only she knows, which is really good. what's the plan for today?"

"not today, friday." finn stopped in his tracks and turned over to her, "the school is having a charity ball on friday, it's a masquerade ball." he grinned, "and I would like you, millie bobby brown, to give me the pleasure of accompanying you as your lovely date for the beautiful night." he enhanced his actions.

millie's cheeks blushed a bright reddish pink, her lips curving into a small smirk and bursting into enchanting giggles, it was a small gesture, a small first date. or well, maybe not so small, but it was something. "it sounds exquisite, I'd be delighted to." she continued with his little act, an over exaggerated british accent in her voice.

IDK this was a filler lol

recommend good S2/S3 mileven fanfics or some really good underrated fillie fics pls!!

i have a party 2morrow so thats NO fun, my ex best friend is gonna be there and she literally took advantage of her boyfriend so thats gross. also, i got a panic attack today so thats NO fun either. I'm cutting my hair up to my shoulders so that IS fun.

I'm not fat but sometimes I look like I'm pregnant and I really question myself like what the fuck. OK BYE.

love ya'll


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