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millie sighed, looking out at the front entrance doors of the ballroom. no one was there. it had been two hours since finn had left and it was already about eleven, the party officially ended until two in the morning. and even if caleb had promised finn to entertain millie, he wasn't the one doing the entertaining.

three teenagers sat in front of the bar, sadie sink, jacob sartorious, and millie bobby brown. drinks were in their hands and shot glasses were on the counter. no one really noticed them, after all, the ball had been crashed by many people, people that didn't even live in that town. it was full in that ballroom.

they were having the time of their lives, sharing stories and laughing like maniacs, they were having utter fun. millie wasn't annoyed that finn had left, but she was disappointed, to say the least. the only epic moment the two of them had that night was when they first arrived, where they shared their first dance of the night.

but the night had gone by and millie had separately danced with jacob and with gaten and with jaeden, she was enjoying herself, no limits, no regrets. drunk millie was a different millie, she wasn't afraid to say the truth, she wasn't afraid to be bold and overly confident. she could be aggressive and mean and could be a bitch sometimes, but she was bitching with sadie, cause sadie was like that too.

there was a few times in the past hour that millie would reach for her phone to dial finn's number but sadie always stopped her, until sadie was close to doing the same thing with caleb, so jacob had kindly confiscated their phones.

finn sighed, he was hurt, his legs were bound to break off and his head was throbbing, he thought he was going to get a bruise around his eye but thankfully he hadn't. finn had been out of his house an hour ago but he had decided to just stay in his car for another, to rest before heading back to the party.

he looked at the clock that read 11:11 and the girl of his dreams spontaneously came across his head, "millie." he muttered, before rapidly turning on the engine and driving way above the speed limit. and once he arrived he got out of the car and threw his keys to the valet parking man, who tossed him a little paper.

he walked in and scanned the room with his eyes, searching for millie. until he finally landed on her, his lips curved into a small grin until he saw who she was with and what she was doing. there she was, sat in between jacob and sadie, drowning her sorrows away with heavy alcohol. he pursed his lips and looked down, trying to think. he knew she was different than anyone else but drinking to him was something he wasn't very fond of. yes, he would do it himself from time to time, but only if it was for a special occasion that involved champagne, he never drank for fun.

millie laughed uncontrollably and looked over at jacob, observing his features. she then realized what exactly it was that she was doing so she shook her head and looked at the entrance once again, but this time, he was there. she squeezed her eyes shut and re-opened them, he was gone now. "I must be really drunk, wow." she said, a small chuckle falling out of her mouth.

"millie." finn said from behind her, making the girl jump, "finn?" she turned around, his face screamed that he was tired, he looked exhausted. "you're back." she said, biting her lip. finn made brief eye contact with jacob before looking back at millie, "yeah, yeah I'm back." he said, "I should take you home."

"why don't you just sit here with us or just go with caleb, this party is fun, I'm having fun. it's all fun. but– I– don't know, home seems boring and I don't wanna go." millie answered, slurring her words quite a bit. "don't worry man, if she says she wants to stay a little longer, you can head back home, I'll take her." jacob replied.

"don't you have a date?" finn asked, disgust lingering in the tone of his voice, "shouldn't you be with her?" jacob chuckled, "maddie doesn't give a shit about me so I've moved on." he stated. finn nodded and looked over at sadie, almost begging her to say something.
"maybe you should go mills, you have a curfew anyways and finn was your date after all." sadie tried to convince millie, which resulted in her saying yes.

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