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millie jumped out of her bed, running to her bathroom. she she took a shower as fast as she could and once she was out she blowdried her hair. Then she walked into her closet picked out her clothing for the day and ran down the stairs, grabbing her black coat and slipping it on. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and then went onto put her white beanie on before dashing out of the house.

when she arrived to school she immediately grabbed sadie and iris from their shirts and basically dragged them up the stairs before pulling them inside the girls restroom. "something happened between finn and I." millie spit out. sadie was fixing her hair the moment she said those words, causing her arms to drop to her sides. "oh my–"

"and jacob kissed me on our date. and when I got home, finn was there and then he kissed me and then a floodgate in my head flashed opened and all of those old and warm and fuzzy feelings came rushing back and so I kissed him and then we kind of made out on my bed and afterwards, we fell asleep." she let out a sigh as she finally finished explaining.

"our kiss it felt like an old song that had just started playing that you had completely forgot about and then you suddenly remember all of the words in the lyrics and it just makes you really happy. it felt like that, and it was epic. it felt true and real and with jacob, it just didn't."

"tell jacob then, before you lead him on."iris replied, "I support you and finn 100%. I have since the beginning, and I know that you love him. and I know that you're not ready to tell him that yet but for now, just tell jacob."

millie nodded before walking outside of the restroom, luckily, jacob was walking aside maddie. millie furrowed her brows at the two before waving at them, catching their attention. "I should go." maddie said, walking away with a sly smirk on her face.

millie thought it was for the best anyways, "can we talk?" millie asked jacob, in which he nodded a simple yes. they decided to walk outside until they found themselves in the freezing school field bleachers. she rubbed her hands together before letting it all out. "I kissed finn." she admitted, jacob's eyes widening a bit.

millie went on to explain everything, every feeling, every thought, everything. jacob was so understanding it quite literally confused millie. he reached forward, gently grabbing her freezing fragile hand as he smoothly rubbed the alphabet with his thumb, warming her up. "I always knew you had feelings for him, there wasn't a doubt in my mind." he sighed, "I'm just glad you told me mills, I'm glad you didn't keep it from me like every other girl would. you're different, in a good way. you're not shallow like the others." he smiled. he slowly leaned in and placed his soft lips onto her own, making her nerves calm. he smiled sweetly as he separated from her, one last kiss, the last one for sure.

"go with the boy you have so deeply fallen in love with and don't look back. he's the best thing for you, and that's undeniable." he let go of her hand before grabbing his backpack and walking down the bleachers metal steps.

millie—who was stunned and out of breath—was slowly brought back into reality by the sound of the first bell ringing. she bit her lip and ran down the metal stairs, dashing through the fields and into the heated school. she relaxed as she saw the students shuffling in the hallway, some talking about homework assignments and others about the latest school gossip.

once the hallway was almost empty, she strutted over to a bulletin board that was protected by a glass shield. she stared at the class pictures fondly, admiring her friends. she stared at the small colorful post-it notes with messy teacher hand writing, she intently watched her reflection be over shadowed by the boy she ever so truly loves, as he places both of his arms around her waist. "oh millie bobby brown, you deserve the world." he muttered, only to her.

she smiled, placing her arms above his, the bell ringing as an echo in their ears, they were unbothered by it. "want to get out of here?" he asks her, in the most lovingly way. millie slightly nods, looking at her sides, noticing the lack of security. he reached down and grabbed her hand, running out of the school together as they laughed hysterically over them almost tripping.

finn quietly tried to start the engine to his black matte car, failing quite miserably though. millie rubbed her hands together, trying to heat herself up from the cold winter breezy weather. he slowly leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on her soft and pink plumped lips that still tasted of cherry cola, just like they had that night, that chapstick sure lasted a while.

he drove out of the school, as some of the classic and iconic eighties bops played in the background, it was so hushed and serene that you could hear millie's angelic humming, her pink bubblegum popping every now and then. he tapped his finger lightly on the steering wheel, glancing over at his girlfriend at every chance he could get, specially when there was a red light, where she would casually lean in and steal kisses from him.

and once they reached their spot, their safe haven, they released a sigh. both of them slid down the side of the rusty old bus, happily smiling as they realized that they weren't warm because of how the bus blocked the breezy cool air, but because of each other.

millie moves her head closer to finn. he sits frozen, from both fear and excitement, still not quite used to kissing her, but nevertheless loving it. she leans in, so her forehead rests against his. they close their eyes. both their breaths are shaking. "thank you," she says in barely more than a whisper. "what for?" he replies, his voice low and husky.

"for being you." her voice wavers, exhilarated from the tension between them. millie gently leans in and kisses finn's warms lips. they pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. unable to contain themselves anymore, finn holds millie's head in his hands and pulls her into another fiery and passionate kiss. her hands work their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.
she lies on her back as he matches her body's form. finn's hands venture over her curved body, exploring.

they pull apart and open their eyes. they stare at each other, way too deep into each other's eyes. finn's full of wonder and love, millie's full of curiosity and passion. no words are spoken but a story worthy of them is communicated.
finn leans in and softly kisses up and down millie's neck. she lets out little whimpers of anticipation, just as finn works his way back to her tender, smooth lips. as they kiss she rolls him over and lies on top of his strong, muscular body. She runs her lips up his neck and lands a loving and intense kiss on his lips.

and as she tugs on his dark brown curly and powerful locks she separates herself from him for just a second, a second that changes everything, a second to mutter something. three words, eight letters, and once they say it, they're officially each others.

"i love you."

"i love you too."


spot the GG reference

i love you guys so much, thank you for the immense amount of support in this book. leave your comments, thoughts, concerns, questions, etc. in the comments!! ily all. BYE

, mac

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