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the masquerade ball had turned the night into an unexplainable feeling of happiness, love, joy, passion, mystery, betrayal, everything. and the night wasn't over yet, not even close, it was only the beginning. the beginning of an era, an era of love and lies.

"remind me again why I said yes to jacob when I clearly have developed feelings for lucas?" maddie asked, crossing her arms and leaning her head against the wall. "I'm not in the mood maddie." lilia rolled her eyes.

"what do you mean you're not in the mood? you're always in the mood lilia, you're the queen of gossip." maddie chuckled and followed lilia as she tried to walk away, "what happened? we've been best friends for eleven years now, you can talk to me."

"jaeden and I have been talking all night and I've really started to like him and now, now all he is doing is chatting up a freaking storm with that pretty junior girl, iris apatow. she's such a charmer, obviously, she's gonna get him to fall for her, I'm sure of it." lilia fumed, her face as red as blood, as if boiling steam was spilling out of her ears. "I admit. I'm jealous."

"thats cute, it means you're actually capable of feelings lilia!" maddie joked, earning an excessive eye roll from her best friend, "I'm kidding, you know that. just talk to him, he'll tell you what game he's playing. it's that easy." maddie walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. "now go." she pushed her towards jaeden.

"hi, you're sadie right?" millie asked as she leaned towards the bar where the beautiful red head was currently sat at playing with the thin black straw in her iced beverage. "yeah, the one and only." sadie answered, trying to be as enthusiastic as she possibly could. "what are you drinking?" millie asked, curiously as she sat down next to the girl.

"vodka mixed in with tea. we can't let the adults know that teens are underage drinking." sadie rolled her eyes as she emphasized the word adults in her sentence, she then turned back to her drink and sipped from the straw, "what brings you to my boat anyways?" the ginger asked.

"I just happened to be bored and you happened to be alone at a bar so.. what are the odds." millie replied, eyeing sadie from the corner of her eye who seemed to be smiling. "where's lover boy?" sadie asked but had to repeat once she saw millie's confused facial expression, "you know, finn." sadie implied.

millie let out a soft 'oh' and nodded, "he's with his friend caleb, I think, the guy seems cool but he has apparently stolen my date." millie joked, looking ahead at the wall full of alcoholic bottles. sadie looked down at the mention of calebs name, but looked up once she heard millie ask for a very specific thing, "vodka please, just vodka, add water please and make sure to put ice." millie asked, saying please twice after that.

"wow, and the new girl drinks. i like you more and more and more each time i find something new about you." sadie chuckled and raised her glass high and engaged it with millie's now poured beverage making a 'clink' sound. "cheers, millie bobby brown." "cheers, sadie sink and to a new born friendship."

"hey millie," jacob said as he sat down next to her on the stool. "hey jacob, whats up?" millie asked, looking over at him and fixing her position. sadie eyed the two and fetched her drink before jumping down the stool and brushing off her dress, "thats my cue to leave, we'll stay in touch m. see ya!" and with that, sadie sink strutted off.

"I just came here for a drink. I need one." he sighed and waved a hand to the young bartender, which was probably why he was being so lenient as to giving teens alcohol. "I am stressed out and annoyed and confused as one could ever be." jacob sighed as he rubbed his hands all over his face, his mask was now on the bar, as was millie's.

"why? did something happen with mad–"

"yeah. not in the mood to really talk about it though. I need to stop spending time with girls who don't really give a god damn crap about me." jacob rolled his eyes and lifted his drink up to his mouth, "but she does care about you jacob, you know that–" millie began.

"she likes lucas and thats crystal clear. it's always been maddie and lucas, ever since they were kids. and then I came along in the third grade and joined them as their third partner in crime. they acted like a couple even then, but my feelings for her grew. and when lilia joined us back in sixth grade, well, it balanced out a few things I guess, but they were still always together, no matter what." jacob ranted, thinking about his childhood crush that had now developed into a beautiful and magnificent girl with a strange but bright personality. "I love her, I do, but how do I get rid of this feeling?"

"you don't jacob, you just move on. choose your next girl, move on from her if she's hurting you that bad. don't let a knot stop you from moving forward and carrying on with your life, okay? just move on to someone else, and if you need anymore help then, I'm here for you." millie politely smiled at jacob, leaning over and hugging him for support.

jacob cherished it, appreciated it, loved it, he loved this new friendship, and he was definitely thankful for this beautiful young new girl joining their group. she seemed to be smarter than any of them surprisingly, and that was the best thing about millie bobby brown. she always knew how to handle the worst situations.

as millie embraced jacob, she savored it, she was making new friends every moment of every day. she looked up and saw finn staring, his light red facial expression had stayed intact for the past minute. she bit her lip before untangling her arms from jacob. "I have to go, someone is waiting for me." she smiled and placed her hand on top of jacobs, "listen to what I said, it's the best thing you could do, for you and for her."

millie jumped off the stool and walked towards the tall pale boy with curly dark brown hair and pinkish lips, she felt something so strong towards him. "hey, you ran off with caleb almost half an hour ago." millie chuckled, something clearly swirling around in her stomach."

"he needed some advice." he stated, smiling at millie. "look, something came up with my family. I have to go back home for a bit but I'll be back in time to have one last dance with you mills, I told caleb to entertain you." he pulled millie in for hug and stroked her hair, "I'm sorry this happened, it's an emergency."

"no, no, finn, you don't have to worry about me. go home and figure things out, I'll be here until the end of the night, if you come or if you don't, that's fine." she grabbed his hand, "be careful okay. bye." she said, letting go of his hand and walking back to where sadie was currently at, sitting on a lounge sofa.



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