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A/N: does anyone else feel kinda dry over the recent content? cause like, S2 is out now and all the cast is spread around the world and I just want new content and that won't probably happen until january I'm guessing. also, if you haven't done so yet, go check out sia's new mv bc caleb, wyatt, and sophia are in it and its a trio i never knew i needed until now. i love your comments!! love you guys, enjoy.

millie felt herself tense up once her brain had fully awakened, she could feel the soft sheets under her warm body, they obviously weren't silk like hers. she lifted her hands and rubbed her eyes, as her eyelids opened, her body rose up. she panted, shaken up, maybe she should have never gotten up that fast, or maybe she shouldn't have gotten drunk for the first time.

she was confused as to how she had gotten into this bed, she looked around at her surroundings, her heart beat slowing back to the way it normally was once she saw the few portrait pictures in wooden frames scattered around shelves in the room. one picture was of him giving his mother a big kiss on the cheek when he was most likely at the age of eight. another was a family picture, it was so adorable and cozy. there was another picture of iris and finn holding up two golden medals that said first place with a volcano in the background, good to know he's smart in science.

she kept on walking across the shelf, to look at the other pictures that he had. one included him and caleb, each on different sides of sadie, kissing both of her cheeks. millie grinned, they looked extremely young, maybe they had known each other since forever. there was another one with lilia and jaeden inside a car, all of them making some funny and silly faces. millie couldn't help but crack another smile.

she soon felt the door creak open, causing her to look over at it, finn peeking inside. he walked over next to her, "hey how'd you sleep? you feeling good? do you need some aspirin or something? maybe a glass of water? breakfast?" he asked her anxiously, wanting to make her feel at home.

"don't worry about me, I'm feeling okay, obviously my head is throbbing but it's nothing I can't handle." she answered, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, finn instantly returned the action by sliding his arms around her torso, pulling her closer. "I should go, if my mom finds out that I didn't sleep at home then who knows what might happen." she chuckled, planting a small peck on his cheek. "thank you for everything finn, maybe we can hang out tomorrow or something?"

finn nodded, he nervously took a piece of her loose hair that was hanging in front of her face and tucked it behind her ear, pulling her in once again for a tighter hug. "I'll see you mills."
millie sighed and grabbed her shoes from the ground, her dress from the night before hugging her body, "bye finn, don't worry about accompanying me down the stairs, you need sleep, I can tell."

"how are you gonna get home? you don't have a car, I'll drive you–"

"no finn, loch nora is just around the corner, I can walk. besides, i could use the air." she smiled, ruffling his hair slightly before walking out of his room. she left his house quietly and began to make her way towards her house, shoes at hand. it had been three minutes so far when she heard the sound of an engine stopping next to her, she looked over her shoulder to see the one and only jacob sartorious. she laughed and bent down to his open window, sticking her head inside.

"jump in, I'll take you home." he suggested. millie agreed, seeing since it was a hot and warm day. she opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, "so wanna explain why you have last nights dress on still?" he asked, smirking and playfully wiggling his brows.

"since I got mildly drunk last night, finn took me to his house to sleep it off, knowing my parents would ground me until i was fifty if I came home like that." she laughed and looked out the window. "that wolfhard kid, he's a good guy, stick with him." jacob advised. millie nodded, knowingly.

"so what are your plans for the day?" millie asked him. "I plan on going to the park for a picnic with iris for a chemistry project, wanna join? you can help." he nudged her shoulder, doing a turn as he entered her neighborhood.

"sure, that seems great. what time?" millie asked, "it's currently nine am so maybe around five?" jacob informed. millie pondered for a second, "do you think maybe finn could come?" she tediously asked. jacob smirked and lightly nodded, "yeah he can."

millie smiled one last time before hugging him and getting out of the car, "thank you for the ride, see you later j." she giggled and ran towards her back yard as she went through the back door that was closest to the stairs. thankfully, her mother was in the loving room reading a magazine while christmas music blasted through out the speakers of the house, even though it was mid september. she ran up the stair and got into the shower, wanting to get that retched smell of alcohol off of her.

and when four finally rolled around, millie launched from her nap after hearing the marimba ringtone from her phone, the alarm she had set intact. she got up and walked down the stairs, only to find her mother and her little sister ava watching a show on disney channel. "mom, I'm gonna go on a study date with three of my friends.." millie bit her lip thinking about how she hadn't exactly told finn about the evenings plans. "or maybe two friends, I don't know. I'll see you in a bit?"

millie's mom nodded, "say hi to finn for me." she said, immediately assuming finn was going to go. millie's face flushed with a light pink blush as she looked over to her mom, "sure will, I'm taking the car okay?" her mom answered with a simple okay before returning to watch the very entertaining kids show with fantastically good life lessons that kids should be morally taught nowadays.

millie jumped into the drivers seat as she turned on the engine, a few 80's songs playing because of her mothers mixtape her and her friend had made. she chuckled, "oh can't you see, you belong to me. my poor heart aches, with every step you take.." she smiled as she backs out of the front of her house. she continued to mumble a few of the songs lyrics as she made her way to finn's house. and once she finally arrived she got out of the car and basically skipped to the door. she rang the doorbell but no one answered so she knocked three times before patiently waiting again, and then comes a sleepy finn wolfhard and opens the door, rubbing his eyes. "millie?" he asks.

"finn, hey." she smiles, closing the door behind her as she sits down next to him on his couch. "have you been asleep the entire day?" she asks, giggling a little. he shook his head sideways and looked up at her, "I guess, but I did wake up several times and stayed awake for a few hours in between naps." he grinned, "so, millie bobby brown, what brings you here?"

millie pursed her lips, "looking at your current state, you might say no, but.. jacob told me he's gonna go study with iris at the park while having a picnic. he asked me to tag along and well, you came to mind. do you wanna join?" she asked him with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she certainly wanted him to come so she was waiting for that big yes to escape his mouth. finn smiled, "the things I do for you millie, the things I do." he shook his head again as he got up from the couch and began to run up the stairs.

"so um–" millie got up from the couch and walked over to the bottom of the stairs, looking up at where he was running, "so is that a yes, wolfhard?" she asked him. he turned around and winked, "yeah, thats a hell yes. also, I'll be back in a few minutes, let me change." he gave her a toothy grin before dashing into his room.

I wanted to make a thanksgiving chapter but this takes place at the beginning of the school year so that wouldn't make sense, anyways, next chapter is a fluffy filler but i do explain something important so..

also, time skip will happen at one point PRETTY SOON ok

happy thanksgiving, byee enjoy the turkey or the pie or whatever

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