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"We will be having a slight rain in the afternoon. Don't forget to bring you umbrellas."

"You have violin practice later?" Mom asked, placing toast and orange juice right in front of me.

"Yes mom..."

"Don't forget your umbrella okay? Be home by dinner, alright?" She ruffled my straight long hair and left my white umbrella on top of the table.
"Be careful okay? I'm going to work now." She smiled and left.

After eating, I put all the dirt dishes on the sink. I grabbed my school bag, my violin case and also my umbrella.

Everyday, I take the bus to school. My school? Hanlim Multi Art School. I study music, i'm a violinist actually, people know who I am in the classical music world.

When I got to school, a few friends of mine were waiting by the benches with their violins and violas.

"Hey hey! Kiara! Over here!" Aeri called, waving her hand. The girls were holding their phone, and giggling, probably over some kpop groups they are overly obsessed with.

"Have you heard? A new boygroup from JYP!" Mari squealed. Showing me pics.

"And they're near our age too!" Aeri jumped. "Here's their music video!"

She was about to show me her phone but then the first bell rang. "Oh hell, we'll be late!" Aeri cried. We all grabbed our instruments and ran to our respective classes. "I'll show you later, Kiara."

Our classes started and just like a robot, I took notes without leaving something out. I needed to pass and get into a good university.

"The annual string competition is nearing, every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday starting this week will be practices every 6 pm to 10 pm." The teacher announced. I immediately thought of my collection of self composed music. I knew I had to prepare before hand so I did.

"Sir, may we compete in groups?" A classmate asked.

"Yes you can." He answered. "You can join with people from other classes too. But maximum number is 4 per group."

The class started to be noisy, talking to their friends and grouping together. My friends and I decided long ago, we will compete individually.

"Okay quiet down. Discussion with your friends will be done later. Right now, let's study fun math!" He cheered.

Our classes went on until lunch arrived.

My friends and I got together on our usual spot under a tree in the garden. We were discussing about our piece in the competition. That kpop group they were gonna tell me about? Long forgotten.

"Can I see your composition?" Mari asked me. I gave her my clear book, already opened on the right page. "What's the title?" They asked.

"Haven't thought of it..." I answered. I was always the quiet one in our group. I'm not an introvert or anything but talking made me feel tired easily. I've had asthma ever since I was little, I had to be exempted in any tiresome activities.

Everytime its cold, i'd have attacks. Sometimes, I'd breathe very fast, sometimes, i'd get tired very easily, sometimes, i'd just black out, not even breathing.

"You are seriously a genius, you know that?" Aeri laughed. "Lemme play it."

I nodded.

She took out her violin and played it perfectly. "Wahhhh daebak." Mari clapped. She plays the viola. "You know what this reminded me of?" She asked, Aeri stopped playing and shrugged.

"Broken promises, and just that sad vibe even though the tune is very happy." She stated. We became quiet just so suddenly. "Amiryt? Or am i freaking right?"

Two Worlds || Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now