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Its been 3 days since Kiara's mom was sent to the hospital. Her mom still not showing any positive signs.

Kiara wanted to stay in the hospital but her homeroom teacher let her stay at her place.

When the boys and I got to the hospital that day, her homeroom teacher greeted us.

~~Flash back

"Are you by chance the homeroom teacher of Kiara?" I asked.

The woman staying beside my girlfriend looked tired but she looked happy seeing me anyway. "Yes. You must be Jisung then." She smiled at us.

The boys and I entered the room and only then did we notice the other bed inside, just beside Kiara's bed. Her mom looked like she was in pain. There were tubes going in and out of her. Her once clear skin now looked battered, wounded and bruised.

"How are they?" I asked.

"Kiara's fine, she just had a little asthma attack. Her mom on the other hand, on a coma..." She explained.

The boys all had the same sad expressions on their faces. "Jisung, i'm letting this go because Kiara is our friend too and she needs someone and that someone is you." Chan-hyung said. I knew I'm in a lot of trouble but I also knew Chan-hyung and the members would understand. "But after everything settles down, we will have a very long talk, get it?"

"Yes sir."

The boys pat my shoulder, all telling me that everything is gonna be just fine.

"Will you stay here for a while, Jisung?" Kiara's teacher stood up. "I need to get some clothes for the girl and try and contact her father."

"Ah. Its alright. We'll stay here." I smiled. I sat down beside Kiara's bed. Her pink cheeks has dried up tear stains on them. Her lashes were still wet. I grabbed her hands and gave it a little squeeze.

I remember her father left long ago. How on earth would they contact her friggin father?

The boys sat around the room. Thankfully, the place was big enough to accommodate all nine of us. We all decided to stay for a while until Kiara's teacher comes back

"Sooo... since when were you two..." Hyunjin started. I knew what he wanted to ask.

"Ummmmm. Since the day off her live recital..." i confessed. The boy just chuckled and laughed at me.

"I knew something was too perfect when he returned back to the dorm all smiley faced." Changbin-hyung laughed lightly along with the other members.

We were all talking about random things and the evaluation. I sat on a chair in between Kiara's bed and her mom's. The boys were seated on the sofa and some chairs from the dining room. I only noticed it now but how on earth are they able to afford this luxurious hospital suite?

"J-jisung?" A soft voice called. My eyes immediately traveled to the tired looking girl on my left. I smiled at her. I looked up for a moment just to realize all the boy's attention were on her.

"How are you feeling, Kiara?" I held her hands and smiled sweetly at her. I noticed the light bags under her eyes and her slightly chapped lips. She looks so exhausted and all. "Do you want to drink water?" She nodded.

Jeongin immediately grabbed a bottle of water and poured some on a glass. He then handed me the glass of water. I smiled gratefully at him.

I pressed the button beside the bed to adjust the bed into a sitting position. I positioned the glass's lips just before her lips and slowly tilted the glass to help her drink. She sipped little by little. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her.

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