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"Do you know who he is to me?" The first thing I do after my mom wakes up is to give her another heart attack that could probably send her into a coma again. Great. I'm a great daughter.

Mom's eyes shifted to the boy standing beside me. I felt his hands sweat a little, I gave him a light squeeze in which he returned the action. "You think I didn't hear you?" Mom asked, now smiling at me.

"Now, why don't you introduce yourself this time?" My mom smiled at him. To say i'm happy that my mom heard our voice, its an understatement. I'm beyond happy. Maybe that's the reason she got the strength to wake up.

"Ah. Ahhh.. Hello, ma'am.. I dont know if you still remember me, i'm Han Jisung... uhh-" he was about to say more but mom cut him off.

"I knew you two would end up together! You two looked so cute back then! " mom squealed like a teenage girl. Her heart monitor went up.

"Mom, relax, please." I went to her side and pat her back gently.

Jisung was kind of red and was smiling. "It may be too late for this, but will you please bless my relationship with your daughter?" He asked, bowing down.

I looked at him with wide eyes. What on earth. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks, great, now i'm probably a red tomato. My mom was smiling. "You already have it. As long as you treat my daughter right." Mom said.

Jisung smiled widely. I returned to his side, holding his hand again, we sat in front of my mom as the doctors checked her up again. I leaned my head on his shoulders and he put his arms around my shoulders. "You stink." I chuckled, scrunching my nose to prove my point. Though i'm only joking. He still smells nice and pleasing. His usual fresh scent is still there although a little bit fainter since he sweats a lot because of dancing.

He pulled away from me and sniffed himself. "What?! You should've told me sooner." He said, pouting a little.
"This is so embarrassing." He mumbled to himself. It was cute, he looked like a little kid.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist. I leaned my head on his sshoulder "Just joking. You still smell nice." I smiled up at him. He rolled his eyes, pretending he's angry and ignoring me. I laughed again and just gave him a light peck on his cheek. Then voila, he's smiling again.

He's simple to read actually, he's caring too, kind, sweet, thoughtful and very funny! That's why I love him, besides the fact that he's hot, he can dance, sing and produce, of course.

"Kiara, your mom will be fine, she just needs to stay here in the hospital for three more days and then if there are no more abnormalities in her state, we can discharge her." The doctor said, smiling before he left with nurses following him.

After about 30 minutes, Jisung stood up. "I'm glad your mom finally woke up, Kia." He smiled at me. "I'd love to spend more time with you two, ma'am but training calls me." He said, bowing.

"Oh no, its fine. Just do come visit us more." Mom said, waving bye.

"Come on, i'll walk you to the lobby, I have to get food for mom anyway." I said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the 'hellevator'. Joke.

The nurses who were with me and my mom smiled at us and winked at me, giving us both finger hearts. Jisung chuckled and sent them his finger heart too. Geez this kid, he hasn't even debuted yet and he already have this much love from nurses who doesn't even know who he is. But that just means he's gonna do well in his future career, i'm already proud of him.

We entered the elevator, he smirked mischievously. He kissed me on my cheek. "Score." He laughed. I only blushed... a lot. "You derp." I cried as I head my face on his shirt. When an idea popped into my head, its my turn to smirk.

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